1FOR51 Trip 36 - Costa Rica One22 Jan 2025 Trip Report - by Michelle Linker
James 1:22 - Do not merely be listeners but doers of the word! So this verse is what started our trip to Costa Rica.
THURSDAY - There were three GOERS from Bethel - Karen, Westin, and Michelle. We are travelling with a group of 23. There are GOERS from several other churches - Peoples Wyoming, Harvesters Delaware, and the Mississauga area. We arranged to travel with the Strathroy group leaving from what turns out to be my new neighbours! Well, how do you get to know your new neighbours you jump in their van and spend 10 days with them! We arrive at Toronto airport check in and start meeting the rest of the team! We spend our time in the airport getting to know a little about each other.
So far, so good everyone seems very kind and friendly! We fly to San Jose, Costa Rica.
Our team stays at the hotel tonight as it is almost 10 pm. The plan is to be on the bus at 7 am heading to Rancho Quemado.
FRIDAY - we are ready to load the bus with all the luggage included. We stop for a time of prayer together before we begin our 8 hour bus ride.. The traffic looks like Toronto leaving San Jose, the scenery is beautiful though, very green, lush, and mountainous.
The first few hours on the bus are good - we continue getting to know all and watching the scenery. First stop is at noon in Olla Cero. Pastor Oldemar’s church which was built in 2020 by the One22 team. Our first Costa Rican lunch was served to us here by the church people. Lunch was delicious with lemonade to drink! Which is real lemonade - no packets or cans to open - here is all freshly squeezed by hand. Kitchens in Costa Rica are all open areas with a steel roof for covering.
We were able to walk up the hill to tour the church. Everything is made from concrete with steel roofs.
We had a time of prayer together before loading back on the bus and heading to Rancho Quemado.
Heat is turning up now, high of 30 degrees, feels like 40 with the humidity. This bus is supposed to have air but I have my doubts? We keep the windows open for a breeze at least. Paved roads are now changing to gravel and getting bumpier and slower pace. Wow are you sure this bus will make it up that hill? I think I can, I think I can, we say! Oh boy now we have to come down? Are you sure nothing else is coming because there is only room for one vehicle now as we wind our way down. Since I was here 7 years ago they have built some bridges - no driving through the rivers now!
We arrive at the church in Rancho Quemado! Our accommodations are right next door to the church. It is a large (to hold all 23 of us) beautiful house built with the vision of many missionaries coming to stay! We are met by Pastor Johnny, Yolanda (his sister), Habiera her husband and Joshep her youngest son along with some others from the church and community.
They have hung Canadian flags up outside to welcome us! Our fearless leader Joel Cann translates most conversations for us. We have been assigned rooms and they have made signs for our doors who is in which room! Each of us have our own beds and each room has its own bathroom! This is luxury! Last time I was in a garden shed with bug nets and an outside shower and toilet. We all get situated and unpacked.
We walk to tour the church and the guys look at their project to complete for the week.
Supper is served - we have all of us together at 2 large tables with nice open air seating. I liked our meals together as we continue to get to know each other and to have a time of prayer together and give thanks. Costa Rican food is lots of rice and beans with some type of meat along with it.
Well, it’s been a long day so we all retire early. The men are starting their project early – building an 800 square foot addition to the church. It is a prefab concrete building and the footings have been placed already.
SATURDAY - Well its morning! The men have been up working since 6 am - starting early allows for cooler temperatures. We wait and all have breakfast together where we have devotions by one of us and a time of prayer as we share breakfast.
Today is Saturday so prepping for VBS crafts they say 106 children registered so lots of cutting and prepping for crafts. We make sure the men have lots to drink as they are putting forth a lot of energy to work in this heat. We gather at the construction site to have a time of prayer for a local, Jose, who is helping with the construction today. Jose’ and his wife were in a motorcycle accident where she lost her life recently. Jose’ and his 11-year-old daughter are struggling with this loss. Jose’ wife was looking forward to helping with day camp so it is a sad time for the people of our house as we get prepped for day camp.
We help the ladies in the kitchen as many hands make light work as feeding 23 people is a lot of work. Doing the dishes after meals become our new job for the week. Tomorrow is Sunday so we go over and clean the church floors (they are very proud of their floors) as they were very dusty from the construction. They have invited others from nearby churches to come and worship and meet the Canadians.
We all seem to be pretty comfortable with each other by now. The younger crew play a lot of Uno card games and have a lot of laughs together during the evening hours. The heat down here makes us tired so we retire early to be ready for the next day. No hot water in this house. Always a cold shower so our ritual become to have showers in the evening when we were hot. We were always good and awake after the shower to spend some time reading our letters sent from our prayer partners which is how we ended our days!
SUNDAY - Well its Sunday morning Church Time! We all have breakfast together and we all walk over to the church. People start to arrive and we get to meet a few more locals. I remember this lady Alice - she lead the daycamp when I came years ago. I introduce myself to her and we have a few words as she can speak some English. Alice has 3 daughters Glenda, who was 3 when I came last time and she sat on my granddaughters lap a lot during daycamp 7 years ago. Lizzie her middle daughter now lives in Drake Bay and she came home for this week to serve at daycamp! Lizzie is the activities leader and our music leader. How great to see her still serve with a loving heart for God and the children! Lizzie has learned English as well and is able to translate quite a bit for us!
Service is starting we have some songs all in Spanish but we know the melody in English. Joel speaks and he talks in English and has it written in Spanish and our David who came with us is able to read it to the Costa Ricans in Spanish. Pastor Johnny speaks too. He speaks in Spanish and David translates to English for us! Pastor Johnny speaks of God’s love for children and for God to work in the hearts of the children during daycamp Oh wait do we hear a truck? It is backing up beside the church with a load of sand needed for construction. We pause the church service and Pastor Johnny and the men go and unload the truck full of sand and return to finish our Sunday service - lol only in Costa Rica!
Church prayers are different than ours, they all pray out loud at the same time all in their own words!
After church we are heading out to an old friend of Bethels, Wilbur! Wilbur has a 100-acre farm about 18 km from Rancho Quemado, it still takes an hour to get to his place as you can only travel about 20km an hour on the roads plus there are a lot of mountainous hills for our bus to try and climb. We arrive at Wilbur’s where we share lunch of fantastic Costa Rican style burritos. There are waterfalls on Wilbur’s property so we are heading to them for a swim! It is beautiful, all Gods creations, water is nice and cold. Well of course we have some kids with us and yes they have to climb the falls and jump in! Time to hike back. Back on the bus after a nice enjoyable afternoon. We stop at the ocean in Drake Bay, wow another one of Gods beautiful creations. We get a few minutes to swim as we watch the sun set! (Which sadly sets at 5:30 pm) - time to get back to Rancho as we are late for supper.
We share supper and help clean up. Evenings are the best, we all hang in the common area playing cards, talking, getting to know everyone and getting to know the bugs that have decided to feast on us. Well time to turn in - tomorrow is first day of daycamp which we have all prayed for!
MONDAY - its only 5 am! We hear all the birds, we hear the ladies in the kitchen, we hear the men up and ready to work already. We all share breakfast at 7:30 am the men already have worked an hour and a half. Day camp is hosted in a pavilion in the middle of town, about a kilometre from our house, luckily Joel and John have a rental car so all 9 of us load up in the car to be chauffeured to day camp! They have decorated the pavilion with a ballon arch on the stage area. The daily verse is decorated and on display. Everything looks very inviting! The pavilion has a kitchen so we feed all the children lunch at day camp starting with a snack every morning for all the children as they arrive. We have 2 buses which travel to surrounding areas to pick up children.
Day camp starts at 9 am with a time of singing and prayer followed by some special Costa Rican dances performed by the children. We divide into older and younger groups. The younger groups would go out to the soccer field beside the pavilion for a time of games. They would do 3 different outdoor activities with a water break as its only 10 am but it is sticky hot out already! Water break - they would each get a bag ( yes a bag) filled with water tied with a knot. They all knew to put a whole in the corner of the bag and use as a drink and if you had drank enough you could use what was left to spray others if you squeezed it hard enough. The older groups stayed at the pavilion where they did bible lesson and craft. Everyone will make a book and everyday they write the verse of the day in the book. The book was also considered a craft as they decorated it everyday.
Well 11:30 am and we start the process of feeding all the children! They all sit on the cement floor and we serve them a hot lunch of rice of some sort with some type of meat and lots of plantain chips along with a glass of water. They all ate the same thing! I heard no complaints about what they were being served! After lunch we switched areas, the older ones went to the soccer field for games and the younger ones did bible story and craft. 1:30 pm we all come to pavilion to finish up with some singing and prayers. 2 pm we are finished and the children load on the buses. We have brought candy with us so each child was given a treat to eat on the way home.
We have a leader meeting at the end of the day to discuss what worked well and what we could improve on? Most of this was done in Spanish but enough was translated for us to get an idea of what was going on. We closed in prayer together! I think we enjoyed the candy just as much as the children during this time.
3 pm we are ready to head back to the house but first we head to the town store for a cold drink or ice cream. We have a little free time when we return till supper time. Packed in our luggage we have brought several ball gloves with us, so Wes and the local kids play catch together outside.
We check the progress of the construction, wow they are working so fast many things completed already! We help with getting supper ready and tables set. The men work till 6 pm - long hard hot days for them so supper is served when they are done. That was a long first day we all retire after a couple card games and our famous cold shower ending with our letters from prayer partners!
TUESDAY - well its around that same time 5 am? Same noises, breakfast at 7:30, off to daycamp at 8 am. Today our bug bites are terribly itchy - guess it takes a few days to get to that stage? The sun and heat do not help these spots.
Daycamp - same format today, now we are starting to mingle with the children more as we get to know them. Now we know which ones need close eyes on! We put the second verse in their books. The children love decorating the books, they will go home with them on the last day, should have brought more stickers with us!
Today in our meeting of the leaders after day camp we are told the story of a man from the village who had a vision of spiritual warfare that would happen during this daycamp. The leaders said they could feel it and wanted to pray against it. I was amazed that we all came back after daycamp and reached out to our small groups, friend, and church in Canada to pray with us against this spiritual warfare here in Rancho Quemado. The power of prayer is just amazing!
WEDNESDAY - this is now our new regular time for wake up 5-6 am - at least we have time to get our bible reading in before the start of the day. This day is half way for us and we have really noticed the great faith these young people (GOERS from other churches) ages 17-25 have for the Lord! Their heart for God shows in all the things they do. The example they have set and shown to Wes is priceless. During devotion this morning it was mentioned so it is noticed by all! God keep their faith strong and may you be a blessing to others!
Today is a rough day for us, tired, a little homesick, we have heat rashes, bug bites, but God is in control!
We have brought enough stuff with us to make gift bags for the children to be handed out on the last day. Tonight, we combine everything and start a procession line of filling these bags!
Today they find a couple bats to go along with the gloves, they get a little ball game going with locals, our youth and some youth from assisting churches at daycamp! Love seeing all participate together! Wes will gift these ball gloves to children he has made connections with this week while here in Costa Rica.
THURSDAY - second last day! We now know some of the kids - we can smile, tease, and play with them easier now! They know a few English words and we know a few Spanish! I watch the older kids - technology really helps them. They just text it in google and translate it and share it! Great to see them conversing together!
Our group young people know the songs now and participate as leaders with the singing and actions. At the team meeting after camp we were informed everyone felt more at ease with the spiritual warfare - the power of prayer is amazing!
After supper I hear music! Joel and Pastor Johnny have guitars, everyone is participating in singing some worship songs. Great to see all your younger ones participating and praising God, wow we have some fabulous voices with us too!
FRIDAY - Our last day for day camp! Last day for the construction which has been ahead of schedule the entire time - they were able to add a couple extra sidewalks. The construction crew is finishing up at noon today! They have worked tirelessly all week and deserve a rest and to come down and see day camp in action.
We have mixed feelings today - what will happen to these children? Did we reach any of them for Jesus? We don’t know the answers, but God does! We finish the books to go home with children, God has a plan for each of these books and verses. We pray they reach others in the homes as well. God is in control of these books. Craft today was making a pillow, which said on it “Vida Eterna con Jesus “which means Eternal life with Jesus! God is in control of these pillows, God knows who it will impact. Many of the kids come and ask other children and leaders to sign their pillows as a memory.
There was a contest this week between the day camp teams. The winning team members were given a soccer ball that were brought with us. The big air soccer ball we used all week for games was hand printed with paint by every child! Memories for the leaders. The leaders for day camp where fantastic - they loved and cared for every child in attendance. It was so nice to see several churches work together to make this day camp happen. Did they need us non-Spanish speaking Canadians? Maybe not, but we were there and maybe it was just the power of our presence ? It is all in God’s hands.
Friday night we travel to Drake Bay to have supper at a local restaurant (which also gave the kitchen staff at the house a night off too). Supper was fabulous! We enjoyed just having time to socialize all together.
Although it was dark we went to the beach, just to see all the stars God made - incredible.
SATURDAY - we start our journey home! A very emotional goodbye to all our Costa Rican friends. Prayer for our travels back. Luggage and all of us loaded on the bus for our next 8 hour journey back. We arrive safely back in San Jose.
SUNDAY - Shuttle at 6 am to airport for flight home.
God was with us! We had safe travel, no injuries, no sickness. Many new friendships were made! Many memories were made! I thank God for this all this! I thank God for this opportunity to serve!
1FOR51 Trip 35 - Germany GEM Nov 2024 Trip Report - by Antje Giles
Our trip took place Nov 4 till 11, 2024. Those participating were Henry and Lona Salomons, Candace DeNuke and Antje Giles.
Nov 4 - We travelled separately and met in Germany at noon. We were welcomed by our 2 GEM representatives Andy and Johnny. After settling into our accommodations at Hotel Konigs Hof we met Jason Holms at his Pastorenatelier. It was a delightful space. It had a large store front, where people walking by could always see what was going on. Here Jason and Sue do ministry. The walls were decorated with Jason's paintings. Outside there was a bench for weary walkers to sit. Jason made sure he was always welcoming and approachable. That evening we walked to Jason and Sues residence. We had a delicious homemade minestrone soup. Here they shared a summary of their 32 years of ministry in Germany.
Nov. 5 - Devotions with Andy and Johnny at the Bakery. Met Jason and Sue and Alex another missionary at the Cathedral. Sue gave us a wonderful history lesson. We had prayer time in the cathedral. Tour continued in the streets of Cologne. Saw first protestant church in Cologne. Stopped and prayed. Went to EL-DE house. It was taken over by the Gestapo during World War 2. It was a museum showing what happened to anyone who was against the regime or anyone who didn't fit into their acceptable world order. At that site 400 people had been murdered. It was an extremely somber time and affected everyone at a very deep emotional level. We prayed at this site as well. The day was excellent because it gave us such an understanding of Colognes vast History. Roman times till World War 2.
Nov. 6 - Breakfast Devotions at Bakery. Met Sue at the Livingroom, an outreach where they had English conversation groups, board games, and art classes. Here we met Danny and Ann King who ran the outreach. We also met Macy a new missionary from the U.S. Had a prayer time. Went to Pastorenatelier with Jason. He shared about his first Church plant and he made himself vulnerable by sharing his great hurts during that time. But there came a time of reconciliation and healing. We visited that Church in Porz. Gerd Dyck was the young pastor there. It is a vibrant church. We prayed for its ministry.
Nov. 7 - Breakfast Devotions at Bakery. Met Jason and Sue at the home of Samuel and Bonita Schaefer. A young couple from Forest, Ontario was there! They shared their powerful testimony. Samuel and Bonita have a beautiful home that they have open for missionaries to have rest and renewal. They are also a bright light in their upscale neighborhood. Evening at the Pastorenatelier with Jason. We were to meet with his small group. 1 person showed. Emmerill a Turkish immigrant who had experienced much hardship. At the end of our Bible study we laid hands on Emmerill and prayed for him.
Nov. 8 - Breakfast Devotions at Bakery. Traveled by car to headquarters of the FEG churches for the inland missions. Met Sasha who is the head of the inland Mission. There are 500 churches in the FEG. They are considered FREE churches. They hope to plant 92 new churches, have more fervent prayer because they know this leads to growth and for cultural and heart change. They have found growth comes from relationships not marketing. Many new young pastors starting small churches, but more people are needed. Average size of most church plants is 30 people. One of their core beliefs is that people who are moved by God's love will build flexible fellowship. Met Andreas who is the administrator for FEG. He shared a praise report. 9 years ago Andreas and his wife were told they would never be able to have children but now his wife is in her 8th month of pregnancy. It was so encouraging.
At night met missionary Jim from the U.S. He was a former NIKE executive now in his 60's a missionary to a church Koln Holweide. We ate at Burger king then walked back to his church. Every Friday night they have a prayer time and Jim has a ministry called the coffee table. It is a cart filled with coffee, tea, water, juice, chocolate bars. In the evening as people are getting off the train or bus he offers them items from his cart free of charge. He has had many amazing conversations and connections. People in Germany need to trust you before they will go to your Church. Candace helped Jim. She loved the coffee table. Lona, Henry and Johnny and I prayed for the church’s needs. Very international church. People praying in their own language.
Nov. 9 - Met Tabby and Matt, a couple who came from Missouri in 2021 and Alex a Canadian from Vancouver. We met at Tabby and Matts apartment with Sue. It was wonderful seeing the heart and passion of these young missionaries, willing to do whatever it takes to connect with people. They have a ministry to many immigrants. We prayed for Tabby because she needed to set boundaries for their home. Many people come to stay. God is raising up a new generation to do his work.
Nov. 10 - On Sunday we had a choice of where to go. Lona and Henry went to Bonita and Samuel's church. They said it was very much like our service. They even sang some praise songs in English which is very common in the Free churches. There was a translator there.
Candace and I went to Jim's church Koln Holweide. Our service was so international. The Pastor was originally from Iran, Jim lead worship with another missionary Macy also from the U S. There was a wedding held in the service. The bride from Bulgaria, the groom from Germany, parishioners from Angola, Turkey. The service was amazing, so multicultural and honoring of individuals who are considered family but using scripture at all times and lifting up the name of Jesus. The church had about 100 people. There was a pot luck afterward to celebrate the wedding.
3:30 pm we went to the English conversation group at the Pastorenatelier with Jason. There was a good turnout. Very interesting people there. Some well to do Germans who love to travel, other middle-class immigrants who visit relatives in Canada and U.S. and one previous homeless man who longs for good relationships. He sees Sue and Jason as his family now. It is a wonderful outreach. 5:30 pm Sue and Jason's home. Sue made another great meal. We had our debrief. It was a very special night as we shared about each one in attendance and praised God for the talents and gifts they had brought to the week.
It was a marvelous missions trip filled with history, cultural influences, but most of all we were allowed to see into the lives of these incredible missionaries who are sacrificing much to love on people and lead them to the One who is the way, the truth and the life. It was a privilege to pray for them and their ministries. To God be the glory. Thank you, Bethel, for this amazing experience!
1FOR51 Trip 34 - Cuba COM GCF Nov 2024 Trip Report - by Walter Jakimczuk
Travel Day - And so it began very early Sunday morning, a team of 9 people including seven (7) members from Bethel Baptist Church departed in 3 vehicles traveling from Strathroy to Toronto Airport. The day earlier our team mates from Quebec (François and Sylvie) had already traveled from Montreal and were in Santa Clara, Cuba. One of team was unable to travel this trip due to a serious health issue that came up but was supporting us in so many other ways. We managed to place all our 50 pound bags in a van while the other vehicles carried the rest of the team. The weather and roads were very good for travel. The process through Toronto airport was smooth. No issues. Everyone this trip was experienced and prepared for whatever came our way. After a 3 ½ hour flight we arrived Santa Clara Cuba. The team managed to clear Cuban Customs and Immigration with minimal delay. There were some people questioned but eventually cleared to leave. Pastor Kiki met us in the parking lot with a 14 seater van and 1956 car waiting to take the team and bags to Buena Vista Hostel in Santa Clara - a place we have been using for the last ten years able to accommodate up to a 12 member team. After a supper we went over our plans for the week taking in consideration for the special circumstances that Cuba was experiencing. Black outs of electricity was going to be a factor we would have to contend with. No power. No fans. No A/C. But we did have solar powered lights and flashlights.
Sorting Day - As our normal the next day (November 4th) we organized and executed our Sorting Day held at the First Baptist Church in Placetas. All the bags were opened one by one, the contents of which were previously organized in Canada and carefully gone through. Each bag contained items specific for the individual pastor and family we support. The remaining extra items which was mostly medicine and medical things were reorganized for distribution. This was the first trip to Cuba that we were told it was not safe for us to be out on the streets alone as the people are far more desperate than ever before, no food…no hope. In addition to what we brought this trip we included 200 square feet of black fibre glass mosquito screening for each and every pastor to help cover their windows and doorways in their homes - hopefully to reduce the many diseases carried by mosquitos and provide some relief. The remainder of the day was spent delivering the bags to the pastors living in the Placetas area. We did not want to increase their hardship getting their bags home. Our visits had to be kept short since we would be spending more time with them at Camp.
Checking the Camp Day - The location of the Camp we were going to hold the Pastor’s Retreat was near Santa Clara. We spent the day checking the Camp out and planning the details of the activities. It was suitable for our purposes. The Camp administrator said the electrical grid there was on a priority line that feeds the water pumping systems. It only blacks out when the entire country of Cuba blacks out. Little did we know that for the next three days we experienced continuous black outs so much so we had to leave the Camp earlier than planned due to lack of water. They did have a portable generator that could supply some limited power enough to hold the Marriage Enrichment Seminar. That afternoon we visited our good friend Pastor Fernando of Camajuani who we have known for over ten years. He has access to some amazing resources one of which is Study Bibles. When we first met him in 2013 he provided for each and every pastor we supported then a Study Bible free of charge. Once again on this trip when Fernando heard of our Pastors Retreat he happily supplied these Study Bibles. We are not free to acknowledge what organization provided these Bibles only we are to thank God for his goodness and provision.
Day One of Camp (66 attending) - As always there was a lot of excitement as all the pastors and their families gathered to meet and greet each other. Catching up on news and checking out how everyone has been doing. A very dynamic atmosphere. Energized. Regrettably some people could not come because they could not get a break having commitments like taking care of elderly parents. Some Pastors and their families were ill and chose not to travel thereby exposing others. The guest speaker did a great job of the Marriage Enrichment Seminar. He was the same speaker who spoke once before in 2016 in Placetas during our Pastors Day then. Since then he and his wife experienced the death of their Child. His wife thanked Belinda for her kindness and the medicine she sent to them while their child was very ill. They spoke of a special program called, “Daughters of the King” that was instrumental in his wife’s recovery grieving their child’s death. This program will be coming to Cuba from an organization from Venezuela that is need of support ($4,000.00 USD). Any help would be appreciated.
Day Two of Camp (88 attending) - We planned a time the pastors and their families could come for a time of renewal, worship, and teaching. There was a swimming pool enjoyed by many. The Camp had to be cut short as it ran out of water forcing its closure. Some ladies from Bethel Baptist Church had sponsored a Special Romantic Dinner for the Pastors and their wives to be held that night. Our Team played host, setting up the Dining Hall, decorating, table cloth, setting tables, and serving our Pastors and their wives. When the Romantic Dinner concluded we had to say our good byes and leave the Camp.
With the change in plans the following morning after Camp, the Team was sharing the usual breakfast, devotional and prayers. There came a time of special sharing and more specific prayer requests. Personal requests of health, infirmities, and relationships. There was time to draw even closer to our God while praying for one another.
During one of our visits to a place called Vega de Palma we checked on the process of water well being dug for a missionary (Salvador). As usual in Cuba there were complications. During the dry season the well dries out, The water well needs to be dug further, some 12 metres more in rock. A need to rent the necessary drilling equipment. More costs. Next trip Lord willing we will return to see this project through. Water is so vitally important.
Melodie and Sylvie shared their experience traveling with the delivery person from the church in Placetas going out and feeding the most vulnerable people of the Community in their homes (one was living under a bridge) saying how it was a real eye opener and a great experience.
In the town of Remedios while celebrating Pastor Jorge’s daughter Isabella’s 15 birthday we learned the new generation does not ask nor expect the parents for the traditional 15th birthday celebration due to such economic hardships.
We were told by a lady she was afraid we would not come to Cuba because of all the bad news and the current situation.
Black outs, hurricane (west of us), earthquake (in the east 6.8), Hepatitis A…
How do you explain it? It’s like asking why the Canadian Geese fly south every winter. We have to go. It’s just that important.
1FOR51 Trip 33 - Quebec FEB Int’l July 2024 Trip Report - by Jared St. Kitts
Eight GOERS from our church along with another friend from the Ottawa area attended the St-Angèle Church in Bécancour, Quebec from July 6 to 13, 2024 to participate with them in a Love My Neighbour project - an evangelistic outreach ministry to the community surrounding the church.
The team left for Bécancour, Quebec on Saturday July 6. We arrived around 5pm to a homemade dinner provided by the church. As we ate, we got to meet the people who would be serving with us during the week. They were very excited to finally meet us as they had been praying for us since the early planning stages of the trip. After lots of introductions (and food!), we participated in a time of Praise & Prayer. Hugo, the church planter who organized the trip for us, opened the time by reading Psalm 145. A couple of the themes & prayers that came up during this time were:
- That the gates of Hell would not prevail against the Church
- A reminder that with God, all things are possible
- A reminder that the harvest is plenty, but the workers are few
During the prayer time there was a focus on “Who God is and what He has done for us” and then requests for supplication. After the time of prayer, we were introduced to our hosts for the week and then we went home with them for the night.
Sunday morning, we attended the church service (which was completely in French!) and after the service, we had lunch and then went out into the nearby neighborhood to serve. We were offering to wash cars and/or exterior house windows for free. We were instructed to do our best to only communicate in our very limited French. This was surprising to the Québécois, that a group of people from out of province would drive over 8 1/2 hours just to offer to clean their car, and to ask them for help in learning their language. This had the potential to (and did) open the doors for gospel conversations.
Monday, we started our French lessons which were in complete immersion (no English, only French). The teacher (John, a missionary from Florida) would show a picture, say the name, and then have us ask “What is this?” or “What is that?” or “What are you doing?” all in French. As we went out to serve in the afternoons, those questions and the different verbs and nouns we had learned enabled us to have limited conversations with the people we met throughout the week.
As we went out, we were split off into different groups. Some of us went and painted walls or cleaned up houses. Some of us continued to go door-to-door, offering to wash windows and cars. We cleaned up firewood, and lots of other tasks throughout the area. The whole time we were accompanied by volunteers from the church who were just so excited to go out, serve and share the gospel in their community. As we interacted with people throughout the week, we would hand them a postcard invite to the BBQ, which was meant as another connection point and as a celebration to end the week.
On Wednesday night, we had another Praise & Prayer time, and it was cool to hear the French songs again, because it was getting easier (for me at least) to recognize some of the words that were being sung.
On Friday, after we finished our projects for the day, we had the BBQ Party. I’m not sure how many people from the community showed up, but it was a great time to connect with the different people we had served with throughout the week.
The next morning, we packed up and started the trek back home. It took us a bit longer to get home because of traffic, but that was ok as it gave us more time to talk about what we had experienced during the week.
As I reflect on the week away, I am encouraged by the joy that the church served their community (and us!) with. They were on fire for God and have huge hearts for the area they are in.
1FOR51 Trip 32 - Uganda FEB Int’l May 2024 Trip Report - by Nick Heusterberg
Pastor Nick Heusterberg and Nate Richardson travelled to Jinja, Uganda, from May 16-24, 2024 to participate with our FEB partners in a short term mission trip. This was an enriching and transformative experience where we had the privilege of leading pastors from the region through foundational theological training. This mission trip was facilitated by Leaders Formation, a mission training group within Fellowship International, and focused on teaching the First Principles curriculum. This six-session Bible study aims to train leaders to multiply disciple-making and church-planting eQorts in their areas. We had the honour of serving alongside Dr. Hannibal Muhtar, one of the founding members of Leaders Formation, and a local pastor named Cedric, whom Dr. Muhtar had discipled.
Each day was structured to include a study in the scriptures, an examination of scholarly commentary, and breakout groups where pastors could discuss and apply the principles to their lives, families, and local church contexts. These sessions were designed to be deeply engaging and practical, ensuring that each leader could take actionable steps in their ministry. In the evenings, we held Q&A sessions where the pastors could ask questions about the study and other ministry-related topics, fostering an environment of open dialogue and mutual learning.
A highlight of the trip was our visit to the True Believers Church in Jinja on Sunday. Nate had the chance to lead worship with their worship team, and Nick delivered the morning message. This experience was a great encouragement to the community and to us.
Throughout this trip experience, the group of pastors established a supportive community that will continue studying through the First Principles together in upcoming cohorts and we gained invaluable insights into the challenges they face. Many of these dedicated men are balancing full-time jobs, raising families, and raising funds to support their local church communities. Overall, this trip not only strengthened the pastors' resolve but also deepened our understanding and appreciation of ministry in Uganda.
Metrics = 3 FEB pastors and 1 local pastor leader discipling 23 local lay pastors for 1 week of training to multiply disciple-making and church-planting eQorts.
Uganda Lay Pastors in Breakout Session
1FOR51 Trip 31 - Cuba COM GCF May 2024 Trip Report - by Walter Jakimczuk
Dorothy Belinda Rodger Linda Melodie Olivia Teri Walter Isabella Barbara
On Monday May 6th 2024 Cuba Outreach Ministry sent a team of 10 people including eight (8) members from Bethel Baptist Church for a one week short term mission trip in the Santa Clara area of Cuba. The purpose of the trip was equipping and evaluating while visiting all the supported pastors and their families’ in their homes, as well as operating a Sorting Day, and hosting a Pastor’s Day.
Prior to the trip we sent three 50-pound duffle bags of supplies to Cuba by other willing travellers. Each of our team members brought two 50-pound duffle bags while a third bag was added to three, totaling 26 bags weighting 1,300 pounds. These bags contained much needed supplies of medicine, personal hygiene products, etc. all carefully prioritized specifically to meet the needs of the families we serve.
On arrival to Santa Clara airport, everyone had their required copy (digital or printed) of a pre declaration QR code for entry. With this we all able to experience a very smooth easy process going through the Customs and Immigration. An answer to prayer.
We were met at the airport by Pastor Jose E. (Kiki) and his team in Cuba looking after our transportation needs, packing the bags and everyone one into a bus and a 1956 Pontiac driven by Jesus. Jesus was our driver in 2013 who was looking forward to serving us. Some of the bags had to be tied down on the roof of the car in order for us all to go to where we were staying in Santa Clara.
When we finally got settled in at the Hostel Buena Vista in Santa Clara (our home away from home for 10 years) we went over our plans for the week adjusting to what the reality was on the ground.
If we have learned anything you must always be flexible as things are very dynamic and changing with little to no notice. A supply of water was provided with more in reserve. Essential to us NOT to drink the local water supply as it would do serious harm. (Parasites)
Every morning was started with us all sharing a meal time, planning the day, sharing a devotional time, spending time in prayer and practising our song we planned to sing in Spanish on Pastor’s Day. (This is the Promise.) The group was able to be divided into two smaller teams to travel around central Cuba visiting Pastors and their families delivering their bags of supplies. We would catch up on news and hear of their plans. Ending our visits with prayer we would continue on.
At the end of the day we were together for a shared supper and a time reflecting on the Day. Belinda and I enjoyed reading a letter every night from our Prayers. A good source of encouragement and a feeling of unity. A closeness even though we are thousands of miles apart there is sense of being well prayed over.
Tuesday we organized and executed what we call “Sorting Day”. At Getsemini Church in Placetas all the 26 bags go into a large room where they are opened one by one, contents taken out to be organized and reassembled into labeled individual separate bags for delivery. Every team member works as a well-oiled machine with specific assignments. There were four of our duffle bags refilled with medical stuff for distribution, through clinics to go directly helping the most urgent needs. Later on the week at a church in Camahuani a lady wept to receive a colostomy bag. We learned from a doctor that when plates or pins for bones, or prosthetics (hip/knee) are needed they are acquired (reclaimed) from relatives who have passed away (from cadavers). The special reassembled bags are stored in a designated room where we daily take out those going to the Pastors and their families (plus special gifts for the children).
In one of our visits there was a missionary (Salvador) who had no water. He had no well of his own. Last trip we provided some funds to take care of this situation but since then he ran into problems digging the well. (rocks). He needed to rent equipment and he has no money so everything stopped. We looked into the costs of renting equipment, the depth needed, and costs involved. Our team members took up a collection that will take care of it all. Next trip we will visit and see the progress.
Pastor’s Day was a dynamic time of reunion, worship, music, song, prayer, and Pastor Rodger preached through a translator (Ode) a message addressing their current situation. There was a very good meal prepared for everyone (75 people) before the people departed for home. Some had to travel several hours by bus back to Cienfuegos province.
Too many God moments to share here except for this one - imagine while our team visited the church of our friend Fernando R. in Camahuani. Over the years this church has hosted many Conferences, youth camps and special doctor’s clinics. While we were visiting the family we meet three travellers from Toronto, Canada who were choosing that day to visit a church and on hearing about us wanted know about what we were doing. After some time of sharing it was discovered that one of our team members (Melodie) personally knew one of them - Raymond. They may be interested in returning November to Cuba with humanitarian supplies.
If you have an opportunity to speak to any team member, you will hear of many, many more experiences.
In conclusion, all of our experiences and what was learned will be used to plan and prepare for our next mission trip in early November 2024 which already almost has a full team preparing including our two friends from Quebec. Lord Willing.
1FOR51 Trip 30 - Costa Rica One22 January 2024 Trip Report - by Larry VanderBent
On Sunday, Wayne and I joined 13 others at Pearson airport and flew to Costa Rica. The following morning, we began our drive to the very south end of the country, just one km from the Panama border, to the small town of Las Mellizas. Our departure was a bit delayed, since we received a smaller van than expected, requiring the rental of an additional vehicle. Despite the delay, we arrived in Mellizas at 3 pm. We immediately joined several other Canadians, who had already been working on the Pastor’s house for more than a week already. This made up the full team under the direction of One22 Ministries.
One22 Ministries has been in partnership with Church leaders in Mellizas for several years, helping to build a large church and bunkhouse for local youth retreats and conferences.
The construction project for the week, was to build a 4-room concrete washroom and shower facility, and to continue work on the Pastor’s house. The house, located next to the Church, is a 2-story timber-frame structure, that was milled in central Costa Rica. By the time we arrived, the frame was erected. The Canadian team was aided by many Costa Rican brothers (around 20 individuals) who came at various times to work along-side us.
Tuesday to Friday went by quickly. We worked diligently from 6AM to 6PM on various tasks: digging in septic tanks and plumbing pipes, mixing concrete for footings and floors, hammering on wood board for floors, siding and interior walls, and steel for the roofing.
Each day we journeyed up and down the mountain for meals at a home in the town, where we enjoyed a good variety of local food. The unity within the team was incredible, so many talented folks worked together in comradery and humility, along side our hardworking local brothers. Despite some language obstacles, many good discussions were had, and relationships were formed with some of the local believers.
Saturday was a bit more relaxed, as we took the morning to complete some finishing touches, like hanging doors and installing hardware. A highlight was handing over the keys for the house to Pastor Rufino and his family. For some relaxation, we toured a local coffee plantation, on Saturday afternoon.
While we worked at the church, a day camp for local children was held at the school in town. The teaching was led by a team from a church in Rancho Quemado, located in central Costa Rica. Five people from the Canadian team assisted with the day camp, 4 of them being daughters of the construction team members. An average of 140 local children attended each day.
On Sunday we began our drive back to the airport in San Jose. On the way, we were able to stop in at another Church in Olla Cero, this construction project was completed in 2020 in partnership with One22 Ministries.
The trip for me was very rewarding, to understand the challenges that the local peoples face, to see God create unity within a team of volunteers, and to feel God’s hand of protection through out the journey.
1FOR51 Trip 29 - Cuba COM GCF November 2023 Trip Report - by Walter Jakimczuk
On Wednesday November 8th a team composed of 8 members from Bethel, 2 other local area members as well as 2 from Montreal, Quebec travelled to Cuba for a one-week short term mission trip. Purposed to equip, encourage, and evaluate while visiting all the supported pastors and their families in their homes.
All the participants share a desire to make a real difference, to be a blessing and to share the love of God with our brothers and sisters in Cuba. Each team member brought two 50-pound duffle bags filled with supplies, medicine, personal hygiene products, etc, all carefully prioritized to meet the needs of the families we serve.
On arrival to Santa Clara airport, everyone had their required copy (digital or printed) of a pre declaration QR code for entry. With this we were all able to experience a smooth easy process going through the Customs and Immigration. An answer to prayer.
When we finally got settled at the Hostel Buena Vista in Santa Clara we started going over our plans. Some things were up in the air due to shortages of fuel and food in Cuba. The planned Pastors Day depended on Pastor Ramon securing a bus to transport all the pastors from the furthest places to the 1st, Baptist Church in Placetas.
Every morning was started with us all sharing a meal time, sharing a devotional time, spending time in prayer and practising our song in Spanish that we planned to sing on Pastor’s Day. (Light in the Darkness)
The group was divided into two smaller teams to travel around central Cuba visiting our supported Pastors and their families and delivering their bags of supplies. We would catch up on news and hear of their plans. Ending our visits with prayer we would continue on. Plans were to visit each of the 19 Pastors COM supports.
At the end of the day we were together for a shared supper and a time reflecting on the day. Belinda and I enjoyed reading a letter every night from our 1FOR51 Prayer partners - a good source of encouragement and a feeling of unity. A closeness even though we are thousands of kms apart.
In a short time a number of our team members experienced health issues - an unusually higher number than ever before. Everyone was careful to only use bottled water and avoid anything questionable. Barb and Belinda had to stay behind on Pastors Day putting all the responsibility on Bonnie of organizing and executing the craft time for the pastor’s wives. She did great.
Ramon found a bus and Pastor’s Day was a go. A time of worship, music, song, prayer, and Pastor Efren preached. After the ladies would go to the Community room to do a craft while the men stayed behind to spend time talking. There was a meal prepared for everyone before departing for home. Some had to travel several hours.
All of our experiences and what was learned will be used to plan and prepare for our next trip on May 4th. 2024, Lord Willing!
1FOR51 Trip #28 - Cuba COM GCF Apr 2023 Trip Report - by Belinda Jakimczuk
This trip marks ten years since we (Walt and Belinda Jakimczuk) started taking teams with us to Cuba and I must say God has been so, so good. This trip we had a team of twelve that physically went but our team was so much larger. We took over $60,000 in supplies which was provided by many hands, many prayers, and volunteer drivers. We were able to take so much medicine including over 45 pounds of Tylenol, 50 pounds of antibiotics and more blood pressure medications than we ever took before. God blessed us with Spanish Bibles for adults and children, journals and memory sticks for the Pastors, colostomy supplies, powdered milk, sheets, towels, sutures, needles, and so much more and we again had no problems at Customs!
Easter Sunday worship was so moving, feeling the presence of God and seeing the people worshipping with all they had was something to be experienced.
Pastor's day we took communion and we worshipped together. We enjoyed seeing all the Pastors and their wives happily spending time together. After worship the men gathered together and the women got to be pampered a little getting their nails done along with a pamper bag to take home. We also had time to talk about what is going on in their lives and the tears flowed. We had the opportunity to listen and pray with them and ended with some game time (which they love).
What was so awesome again was to see God paving the way and showing us what was needed and how to achieve it.
We visited every home and saw how God was working through them, how their families were doing, heard the struggles, needs and had a time of prayers with each of them.
Ten years of taking teams and not one has been the same as the other. Each trip we have seen God provide for us and each time we return home we look forward to the next. We serve an awesome God and I thank God for Bethel and all their support. Our team is not just those who go!
1FOR51 Trip #27 - Cuba COM GCF Nov 2022 Trip Report - by Bonnie Pierce
This trip a team of 11 people (7 Bethel GOERS, 2 others from Strathroy area, 2 from Quebec) met up in Santa Clara, Cuba. Belinda and Walter met up with Francois and Sylvie last April and they wanted to join us in our mission trip this fall. They fund-raised and got donations to fill 4 x 50lb humanitarian bags they brought to Cuba. In total the team disbursed 1,250 lbs. of medicine, medical equipment, personal hygiene products, lanterns, linens, bibles and devotionals. The estimated value was around $30,000. Praise God - our Waymaker!
The team split in two to conduct personal visits to the 18 supported pastors and their families. On each visit we heard how desperate Cubans are because of food, fuel and electricity shortages. Many gas stations have no gas and if they do, you may wait hours to get some. Many areas have rolling blackouts, with no electricity for up to 12 hours. Food, when you can get it, has risen dramatically in price. But - their faith in Jesus has not wavered or been discouraged. We encouraged them in their faith and took their prayer requests.
Thursday all the pastors and their wives came to Placetas Gethsemane Church for pastor’s day. Shandry led in a time of worship in song, Pastor Kiki served communion and Walter gave the message on God our Waymaker. The Holy Spirit was felt and moved through the entire service. Our team then sang our Waymaker song in Spanish. There were tears, surprise and smiles while they recorded us singing. We were all wearing Waymaker T-shirts in English and after the song we gave each pastor and wife their own T-shirts in Spanish. Group pictures were taken and Dorothy provided a craft for the pastor’s wives. The men talked and played dominoes until the kitchen crew provided our noon meal.
While in Cuba our team gave $2300 to distribute between the 18 pastors to help their daily needs.
Special thanks goes to Walter and Belinda for their leadership and organization on these trips and COM. Special thanks to Yonail as he is a partner in leadership in COM in Cuba and for the time and effort he gives to navigate Cuba while we are there. Praise God, God is our Waymaker in Cuba.
Donated Supplies
Pastors Day
1FOR51 Trip #26 - Saskatchewan ETHNOS April 2022 Trip Report - by Sheri Vanderbent
(Larry and Sheri Vanderbent travelled to Saskatchewan for 5 days to link up with Dave and Judy Wright, ETHNOS missionaries who Bethel has supported for 14 years. The Wrights ministered first in Papua New Guinea, and now in Saskatchewan. The Wrights have a unique ministry to Canadian First Nations peoples. They have transferred the learnings from ETHNOS discipling indigenous peoples worldwide into the Canadian context. Larry and Sheri accompanied Dave to two First Nations communities in northern Saskatchewan to witness this discipleship effort.)
Thursday April 28, 2022:
We flew early on Thursday from Toronto to Saskatoon, on a full but uneventful flight.
Dave Wright was waiting to collect us from the airport, and we secured a rental vehicle for our trip to two Northern communities. Dave and Judy Wright, were our very gracious and accommodating hosts for the weekend. They live in Warman SK, a short 15 minutes from the Saskatoon airport.
We went to Dave’s home church, Osler Mission Chapel to collect some equipment and materials we would need for the weekend. Dave has an office, and print shop in the Church. We also met Pastor Dan Wright and fellow Ethnos missionary Kevin Gertson.
Later that evening we held a zoom call with Norm McCallum, an indigenous elder, who was instrumental in inviting Dave and Judy to engage with the northern communities, one of which was Norms childhood home.
Friday April 29,2022
We began our road trip with Dave and Judy to the first community of Buffalo Narrows, SK, about a 5-hour drive north. Along the way we stopped at a church in North Battleford where Dave met with 2 Pastors who were interested in learning more about the “Establish” biblical curriculum for use in their churches and indigenous outreach efforts. We also heard about a young offender’s program offered through this church, which was impressive.
Upon arrival in Buffalo Narrows, we checked into our motel room, and stopped off at the Pastor’s house. Pastor Tony is a bi-vocational pastor, with a full-time job as an electrician. Tony’s wife is Jeanie who is a Public Health Nurse, and they have 3 adult children. We went to the “Community Fellowship Church” for a potluck supper and the first teaching session with a small group from that congregation.
Saturday April 30, 2022
For breakfast we met again at the church, and enjoyed good food, learned more about the community of Buffalo Narrows, and heard the testimony and journey of new church attenders Ruben and Lizzie. The teaching lesson was left for the Pastor, as some group members were unable to attend. He intended on using it the next day during their Sunday service.
We hit the road again, for a couple hours of driving, (a lot of it on gravel), to the community of Pinehouse Lake. After checking into our rooms, we went the “Pinehouse Christian Fellowship” church for our evening teaching session. We studied a lesson on brokenness and ministry, with a lively group of disciples, including a few who joined via Zoom. After this session, we went for supper with a few members of the group, where we learned more about their lives, community and how God has been working. These dear people are very open, and want “outsiders” to know about them and how and why their community is the way it is.
Sunday May 1, 2022
For our pre-service morning teaching session, Dave co-led the material with participant Judy. We learned about advice for disciple-makers, from studying Jesus’s parable of the mustard seed, (unit 103 lesson 12).
For Sunday service, as the Pastor was away, the discipling group presented the Ethnos Establish curriculum, by teaching lesson 1 to the congregation. Dave presented a quick summary of events and lessons learned from his family’s time in Papua New Guinee, until now. It was encouraging to see the group present the message, and the invitation was given for the church attenders to engage in starting a new session. A number of individuals were keen to become involved.
After lunch, we began the 5-hour drive back to Warman.
Monday May 2, 2022
After a relaxing morning, Dave returned the rental vehicle, and we went back to the airport, for our return flight to Toronto.
Dave is a faithful and gifted curriculum developer and teacher. He is energized by his teaching times, and is excited when the disciples understand the material, and make connections to the situations they find themselves in. Dave is good at getting the participants to share with the group, he is encouraging and engaging. Dave is also purposeful, in getting others to help lead the teaching times, encouraging the theme of disciples making disciples. He offers a lot of personal support to both groups, but is careful not to over-step as he is not in a pastoral position in either community. Dave is held in high regard, with many people expressing their appreciation of his time and efforts. Dave has been going North to these communities twice a month for three years, and has only missed a few weekends in that time frame and has been diligent in building relationships.
Ministry is difficult in the northern communities, there are many issues including addiction, isolation, mental health and past negative religious experiences. The church is faced with numerous challenges (including Covid) that work against building unity in the body. Despite the difficulty, there are bright spots. The participants are working towards a good foundational understanding of the Gospel, and refer to it when they apply scripture to their circumstances. Many stories of how God has transformed lives were shared. On Sunday morning in Pinehouse, it was great to see this group of disciples sharing their faith, and giving out handouts to promote discussion. The lesson 1 presentation at Pinehouse was a blessing, as the congregation responded to the invitation to engage in Establish. They are currently making plans to start their own new group, (without Dave) and this is a big step for them.
The ‘Establish’ curriculum is foundational, chronological and relational style of disciple making material, that firmly builds knowledge of the Scriptures from the ground up. The material is clearly laid out for both discipler (teacher) and disciple. The embedded QR codes give the material in power-point form for easy presentation.
Prayer support for both communities should be encouraged, as both of these congregations are struggling in different ways. Please pray that God will continue to work in these communities, and that the Believers are able to continue sharing truths with their people both within their congregations and that they can find ways to reach out to their wider community. The people we met in both communities are small groups that are a part of larger congregations.
On a broader level, it is encouraging and exciting to hear of future plans for Ethnos to bring Establish into more communities (both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous) within Saskatchewan and BC.
On a personal level, it was extremely interesting to learn about the northern and Aboriginal cultures of the area.
Pinehouse, northern Saskatchewan
1FOR51 Trip #25 - Cuba COM GCF Apr 2022 Trip Report - by Walter Jakimczuk
9 GOERS (3 first timers!) from Bethel travelled with a group of 11 to Cuba April 1 to 7, 2022 to come alongside the 20 pastors COM supports to encourage, equip and evaluate in preparation of future trips.
Each member of the team had two fifty pound bags filled with prioritized necessities totaling over 130 pounds of medicine, medical (colostomy), (diabetic) needles, clothes, shoes, soap,shampoo, personal hygiene products, 2 laptop computers plus so much more. All of these donations totally 1,200 pounds were the answers to many prayers!
After arriving the team organized and executed a Sorting Day going through everything brought breaking it all down to where it was to go. Experience showed as everyone was busy.
Due to the current shortages and worsening economic situation in Cuba, the original Pastors Retreat planned had to give way to a Special Pastor’s Day hosted by COM at “Getsemini Church” in Placetas. This event happened towards the end of the week after dividing into 2 teams making personal visits with Pastors throughout the week.
On Pastor’s Day some pastors with their wives had to catch a chartered bus at 6:00 a.m. travelling for hours to gather, arriving in time for a morning worship/celebration service with much enthusiastic singing followed by time spend in “The Word”. After the time of worship, the church kitchen crew provided a noon meal for over 75 people followed by planned activities.
Two years has been too long since the pastors could at last be reacquainted, share experiences and enjoy fellowship.
Some Team members personally donated to support a needed roof, construction projects, a commode, continuation of the Oxen Farmer ministry, a motorcycle lithium battery, and a couple of bike tires with tubes.
To God be the Glory.
April 2020 - Update on the Ongoing Impact of our GALCOM Peru Trips in 2018 and 2019
On April 25, 2020 we received this cool update from Samuel and Rosa Saccsara, leaders of the Runi Simi mission organization. This is the Quechua couple that we worked directly with during our two 1FOR51 mission trips to Peru in 2018 and 2019. These trips focused on purchasing and distributing GALCOM solar powered radio bibles fix tuned to Christian radio to the native Quechua peoples in the mountainous regions around Ayacucho, Peru. See the bolded section of the report below to see how God is using these solar powered radios to reach people during this pandemic in the mountains of Peru - isn’t God good!!!
Report from Samual and Rosa Saccsara - dated April 25, 2020
Good afternoon our dear family in Jesus Christ, today my wife and I are very grateful to God for all His care and His blessing of Love for us and our children. As you may know, we have been stuck in Ayacucho since we left Lima on March 05 to carry out various activities. I came to give a workshop to train Pastors and leaders in Huanta - Ayacucho March 06 and 07. Then I stayed with my wife to help our son Miguel and his wife Faith who came bringing a group from USA to do ministry here. The group left Ayacucho back to their country on March 14 just in time before the lockdown here. I thank God because He guided us in everything.
Rosa and I stayed to wait for the teacher and the students who were coming to be part of a study by extension (SETE) the study was going to be on March 17 and 18. But since the quarantine was issued on the 15th the classes were canceled and we could no longer go back to our house in Lima. Rosa and I are seeing that God wanted it this way because everything God does is perfect. We have many brothers in Christ who are very poor families who live by their day-to-day work. Now they don't have work and are suffering, and in some way we are helping them. I am also preaching on a radio in Ayacucho every Sunday from 6 to 7 am. I am greeting and encouraging our Quechua brothers during this time. On Sundays our service to the Lord continues, I am preaching by ZOOM to my brothers in my Church - many are learning this new technology. I am studying my Bible preparing for my preaching, Rosa and I meditate on the word and pray when we hear any need from our brothers from all over the world.
I also thank our brothers from Canada, the Galcom group, very much, that last year they came to Ayacucho to distribute the solar radios with the recording of the Bible in Quechua and they have their local Radio station in Huanta Ayacucho to listen to. I want to mention that the brothers, now that there are no services in the churches, are listening to the word of God in their houses, the brothers now walk through the town listening to the word of God in high volume and all the people listen and also want to have the radio. With the radios they received from Galcom they are feeding on the word, it is the only thing they have now to encourage each other in the mountains where they live, may God bless Brother Alastair his wife Shelley (Wyatt - GALCOM missionaries) and all the group that has come (including Bethel in 2018 and 2019). Brothers of the Galcom group, God knows everything. He who knows the future, brought you in time to give these radios to the Quechuas, they are listening to the word of God through that radio. And I also use the radio to listen to my program that is going out, I use my cell phone to call and preach and listen through the radio.
Thank you very much my dear brothers, may God bless you greatly.
Your brothers Samuel and Rosa Saccsara
2018 1FOR51 Peru Trip Group - with Rosa Saccsara, in Ayacucho, Peru
2019 1FOR51 Peru Trip Group - with Samuel and Rosa Saccsara - village in the Andes mountains
1FOR51 Trip #24 - South Africa ABWE Mar 2020 Trip Report - by Danielle Zapfe
In March 2020 a team of 5 BBC GOERS (Phil and Kathy Moddle, Yolanda Vanderhoek, Breydon Wierenga and Danielle Zapfe) travelled to South Africa for 10 days to support the work of Rod and Tina Poplin, ABWE missionaries in the city of George, on the southern tip of the African continent. The mission team’s non-profit, Agape in Action, recently purchased two buildings and a ½ acre plot of land. They are renovating these buildings to become the Inspire George Ministry Centre. There will be classrooms, a coffee house, a meeting place and a main conference centre. These buildings will also host a local church plant that was started 2.5 years ago. The Bethel team was able to assist with renovations of the grounds and buildings and participate in some NextGen events/meetings that took place.
The team went with the expectation that our work would primarily be practical tasks. But God reminded and encouraged us that while the spiritual fruit might not be seen for months or years (or we may not be privileged to see it at all) that we can still trust that God is at work where His word is preached and Christ-oriented people strive to obey.
Our team was impacted in a variety of ways. God’s grace and provision was present in the long and difficult travel to and from our destination. We were kept safe the entire time. The church congregation itself was only 20-30 people yet their young people’s group we attended made up almost half the congregation! It was encouraging to see a generation rising up committed to Christ. Our group also had the privilege of seeing Tina share the message of Christ with a complete stranger while out in the community, something that challenged us all to be bold in Christ. The Bethel team was greeted with enthusiasm by our hosts and shown incredible hospitality during our entire trip.
We did daily devotions as a team of 5 and again with our missionary hosts Rod and Tina. Our letters from our Prayer partners were so encouraging and timely. It was incredible to see God working in and through each of us during these times. We were reminded daily of God’s beauty and majesty by the beautiful creation all around us and at the same time He broke our hearts for the poverty and social divisions present in a hurting Country. We all feel very blessed by the experience and can see how God is using this experience to have impact on others here at home as well. What a loving God we serve!
1FOR51 Trip #23 - Costa Rica One22 Ministries January 2020 Trip Report - Tom Hunt1
Five GOERS from Bethel participated on a 16-person team that travelled to Olla Cero, Costa Rica with One22 Ministries from January 2-12, 2020. The team was led by our own Tom Hunt, and our other GOERS were Wilber Marchena, Yolanda Vanderhoek, Albert Aarts, and Albert Stanley. The purpose of the trip was to help build a church and to assist with a Day Camp being operated by local churches.
Church Build - One22 Ministries provided $26,000 Cdn, half of the total need for the church building. Team members assisted some 40 volunteers from other local churches with prepping and pouring a large cement floor (using wheelbarrows!) and they built roof trusses and completed the roof. All of this was done in a very hot climate - 49 degrees C with high humidity.
Day Camp - team members worked alongside 25 volunteers from local churches to deliver a day camp for 130 children. Each day was busy with crafts, sports, Bible Story time, singing, games, lunch, snacks and relationship building. Some children accepted Christ but the number is unknown. Most of the children at Day Camp came from believing families.
Overall - God blessed us with no accidents, apart from some small cuts and bruises. Many new relationships were built between the Costa Rican’s and Canadians. Two soccer games were played as Canada vs Costa Rica. Wilber was quite sick during the trip but experienced lots of love and concern from everyone down there and from his Bethel family. The Sunday church service was followed by a community pork roast with approximately 175 in attendance. It was a great trip serving God!
1FOR51 Trip #22 - Nepal Partners International Nov 2019 Trip Report - by Darryl Charlton
Darryl and Pastor Allan, along with Tim Arkell of Partners International, travelled to Nepal from November 20 to 30, 2019 to visit the ministry known as Good Friends of Nepal (GFN). Strathroy BBC has a long history of partnering with GFN since it’s early days. From 2002 through to the end of 2019, BBC has provided over $265,000 in financial support for church planting, training of pastors/workers, and for ministries related to orphans and widows. BBC’s last short-term mission trip to visit GFN was back in 2004, when 14 of our people travelled to Nepal.
Nepal is a country of 31 million people spread across a mountainous region (Himalayas). It has 380 people groups, approximately 90% of which remained unreached with the gospel. The country is predominantly Hindu and Buddhist, with a very small number of Christians.
The purpose of our 2019 trip to Nepal was three-fold:
1. INSPECT - To inspect the GFN ministry that we have been partnering with for 18 years;
2. ENCOURAGE - To encourage GFN Leader Pastor Bhim Lal Tamang and GFN pastors and workers;
3. FUTURE - To consider what our relationship and partnership will look like on into the future.
We were totally blown away with how God has used GFN to reach the people of Nepal under the capable and Godly leadership of Pastor Bhim!
GFN has:
planted over 300 churches across the country of Nepal since inception
established a Training Centre where they train pastors and workers in 3-month intensive learning terms, providing simple accommodation and food to the students
two orphanages where they provide hope and a future to Nepalese orphans, including 17 currently in Bhim’s own home!
established ministries to widows and orphans around gifting goats and sewing machines, along with the required training
Pastor Allan and Darryl were able to speak at a church leaders conference that GFN hosted for some of their pastors and leaders. We also visited and spoke at a number of remote village churches. A highlight was visiting a church building that was erected entirely by BBC donations back in 2006. In 2003 there were no Christians in this village. Now this church has 100 Christians, along with two daughter churches!
1FOR51 Trip #21 - Cuba COM Trip November 2019 - Walt Jakimczuk
A team of 6 GOERS travelled to Cuba as part of Cuba Outreach Ministry from November 2 to 9, 2019. The six team members included 5 from Bethel (3 adults and 2 of our youth) and an additional faithful supporter of COM from a different church. Their mission broadly was to Encourage, Equip and Evaluate.
The initial plan was to host the seventeen pastors COM supports (and their families) at a Pastor’s Day / Conference, but that was not to be. The Cuban economy was suffering and the country was experiencing significant shortages of basic essentials. Fuel costs were high (about $1.35 Cdn per L - very expensive for the average Cuban), and fuel was being rationed making travel for the pastors impossible.
The team was able to take an extensive load of humanitarian supplies, with each team member taking 3 fifty-pound bags - including medicines, etc. They stayed in Varadero, Santa Clara and went out to visit their pastors and provide support. Additional items taken and delivered included a wheelchair and a violin! The team was very thankful for their PRAYer support!
1FOR51 Trip #20 - Germany GEM October 2019 Trip Report - by Laurie Goble
On October 29 our group of five left Strathroy headed for Cologne, Germany with the simple focus of praying for the ministry of our missionaries Jason and Sue Holm on the field. We soon learned that Jason and Sue are ministering in such a way that our Bethel vision of making disciples who are making disciples is very clearly transforming their city and reaching the world.
None of us knew what to expect on such a unique trip, but from the very beginning we saw that God was doing remarkable things in Cologne in some unconventional ways. We met one of the Holm's GEM team members in his pottery shop where he shared with us the incredible ministry he has through his creative talent. We met another GEM family in their home where they shared with us their ministry to Persian and Turkish immigrants and refugees by way of English and German classes as well as Cooking classes and a Philosophy group. Jason showed us his Pastorenatelier where he studies, creates art, holds jazz nights and meets with many who find the courage to walk in off the street to learn German, English, or more about faith in Jesus. One evening we were invited into the Holm's small group meeting and were overcome with their openness in sharing, which followed with us praying earnestly for their varying needs. Sue told us how she uses her gifts to teach Intercultural Communications to police officers in training at the local University. Her love of history was relayed to us during a day of touring the Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) and other significant historical sites in the city. On a cold, rainy Friday evening, we joined another GEM missionary as he set up his free coffee kart outside his church at the junction of a bus stop, subway station and street intersection. We met and prayed with a former missionary in Afghanistan, now serving in Cologne assimilating many Afghan refugees into the German culture. One last lunch meeting provided us the opportunity to speak with the wife of the potter we met earlier in our visit. We heard her share her horrific childhood story that has equipped her with the ability to uniquely speak value and healing into the lives of the women working in one of the largest brothels in all of Europe.
Our 9-hour flight home was highlighted by one of our team members having the incredible opportunity to share her personal faith in Jesus with a young man coming to travel across Canada for eight months, while the rest of our team prayed for him discreetly in our seats.
To be able to see and hear and pray with each of these uniquely gifted servants of God was a privilege for which we thank our sending Bethel family. Each of us would say our lives, our relationship with each other, and our prayers have been deeply affected.Maureen Anderson ~ Donna Brown ~ Laurie Goble ~ Lucy Landry ~ Jodi Schyff
1FOR51 Trip #19 - Peru GALCOM September 2019 Trip Report - by Jamie O’Shea
From September 12-21, I and a team of 7 other GOERS from Bethel Baptist Church as well as 4 others from Canada went to Peru for the purpose of delivering and distributing 600 solar-powered fixed- tuned radios that also had the audio bible programmed into them. We visited remote native Quechua villages in the Andes mountains while partnering with the local Runa Simi mission organization. We also did an eyeglass clinic in each village and were able to provide basic glasses to those in need. We had no issues at Customs bringing all the radios in and everything went according to plan. We were honoured to be able to join in God’s plan of seeing non-Christians come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Everyone on the team left with a great feeling of accomplishment and a greater passion for missions!
1FOR51 Trip #18 - Castaway Camp JK to G4 July 2019 Trip Report - by Jason Eastman
Castaway Camp 2019 Theme - With God Nothing is Impossible!
For one week in July 2019 Bethel hosted almost 150 kids for our annual Castaway Camp. It is so cool to think that each and every one of us can participate in a 1FOR51 trip without having to do a long drive or take a plane. God has put Bethel here in Strathroy for a reason - and that is to make disciples who make disciples - right here where we live.
Together Beth Hunt, Melanie Harman and I were able to commit a full week to serving at Castaway (along with lots of other part-time volunteers). The three of us were encouraged by our 1FOR51 Prayer partners that supported us through the week.
Each morning the kids would all crowd together in the sanctuary for an awesome welcome, some games and a time of praising and worshiping God with our voices and actions. From there, the kids would head out to different Bible sites and electives. The Bible stories focused on how nothing is impossible with God. The electives included various activities that covered a spectrum of interests. Leaders were able to connect with the kids and have authentic, meaningful discussions with them about their lives and Jesus' love for them.
Numerous children indicated decisions for Christ or rededicated their lives to Him. We also had at least one student volunteer who decided to start her personal walk with Christ during the week.
We capped the whole week off with Tailgate Sunday, where we as a church welcomed all of the new families to try and show them how much we care for and love them because of what Christ has done for us. Thank you to all of you who showed this love and support to these families! Thank you to all of you who prayed faithfully for the leaders, campers and the families. Thank you to all of you who served in some way throughout the week to impact all of these lives. And the most important THANK YOU is to God for giving all of us the opportunity to serve Him through Castaway Camp!
1FOR51 Trip #17 - Quebec I Love My Neighbour July 2019 Trip Report - by Tim Riley
I was blessed to lead a second 1FOR51 mission trip to Quebec from July 6 to 13, 2019 with Jesse Scarrow and Matt St. Onge to participate in I Love My Neighbour. I initially felt discouraged, as the team was much smaller this year; but God moved incredibly through it! We reconnected with the Quebec church in St. Cesaire, deepening our personal relationships with the brothers and sisters we served alongside last year, as well as connecting again with three of the families we did mission work for. We did work for several other families in four different communities. We also established foundational relationships with two of the pastors from Granby, the St. Cesaire’s mother church, working alongside them. Unexpectedly, we were blessed to meet Danielle and Chantelle Gagne, missionaries supported by Bethel back in the late 1990's and early 2000's!
Some of the tasks we performed this year were landscaping, painting, removing debris, cleaning, moving a few hundred bales of hay and picking a ton (or 2!) of rocks from a farmer’s field. We interacted with all the of the families we served, showing and sharing the love of Jesus. There were times of fellowship and celebration! We grew closer with each other and with God as well, through the tasks, devotions, prayer and as we helped Jesse achieve a huge desire to climb a local mountain. Through the St. Cesaire church, I was also able to meet with the Quebec Prison Ministry leaders, a passion of mine. On September 6 and 7 I brought the leader of New Life Prison Ministry to Granby to meet with their leadership team. Quebec is a very challenging mission field. It was a joyous meeting! Both ministries are going to combine our efforts so many more souls in prison can hear and experience the LOVE and HOPE through the good news of Jesus Christ! The three of us look forward to returning to Quebec next year serving The Lord and loving our neighbours!
1FOR51 Trip #16 - SEND Summer 2019 Trip Report - by Sara Anderson
God is speaking. Will you surrender?
I arrived in Tokyo as a summer worker with SEND, totally unaware I would be faced with this question. My heart was eager to serve, to step out in greater faith and to trust God more as I deepened my faith. But my expectations beyond that were low. Surely my life wouldn’t change. I had been on a mission trip before. I was already being obedient just by being here. What more could God ask of me? . . . How greatly we underestimate our Lord!
Struck down with illness in my first week, He brought me to a place of total surrender. Then, God began to speak. He answered my prayer not to heal me, for me; but rather, in order to show His glory. He revealed to me the purpose of my suffering through the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:8-11. He stirred my heart for the people I was meeting, burdened me with the struggles of the missionaries, and drew me closer towards Himself. Finally, He challenged my wrong-thinking about ‘calling’ through the words of an experienced missionary: “Often we want God to illuminate the path ahead of us with a great beam of light, but He wants us to step out in faith, to continually rely on Him to guide our steps. That’s why He’ll often illuminate just the path around our feet, and it’s when we look behind us that we see more clearly those steps that make up the path He’s leading us on.” Those words made me look back on my own path, where I was shocked to discover God really has been directing me towards full-time missions. More shocking was the discovery it had never been a question of calling. The real question was - would I obey? Will you surrender?
The duration of my mission trip was spent in service, in prayer, in agony at times, and in bliss, as God continued to affirm and encourage me with his presence and through scripture. I’ve surrendered to God’s leading - I’m willing to be a full-time missionary if that is where God continues to lead - and it has truly changed my life! I pray more, know God better, love Him deeper, and want to serve him in a greater capacity. And I as I continue on this path which, Lord willing, leads me back to Japan, my spirit is in awe. Its overflowing with thankfulness for how loving, how awesome our Father God truly is!
1FOR51 Trip #15 - Cuba Outreach Ministry Cuba March 2019 Trip Report - by Walt Jakimczuk
A team of six people, including four from BBC (Walter and Belinda Jakimczuk, Teri Allen and Barb Rawlinson), returned to Cuba recently for their spring trip to minister to the needs of the seventeen pastors and families COM supports. The short-term team included a nurse, a councillor, an Administrative secretary, a homemaker, a retiree, and a truck driver - all willing and eager to serve God.
For the first time ever, the team hosted these pastors and their families for a Family Retreat/Pastor’s Conference at a local resort. 68 people attended, including 16 children. These pastors/families spend most of their time in their ministry work under very difficult circumstances and conditions. There never seems to be an opportunity to take a break - nor the ability nor resources. Ultimately their home life can suffer.
The two-day retreat included times of teaching, preaching, worship, testimonies and communion. There was a program for the children. The families came together to share meals, games, and sessions. It was clear that new and deeper relationships were being formed between the entire group. The team also hosted a very unique romantic dinner for the couples - which was so appreciated!
The team took 750 lbs of medicine, medical equipment and other items which are in short supply in Cuba. Some of the medicine and supplies were given to four Christian doctors who distribute the items free as needed.
The team appreciated their 1FOR51 prayer partners - who had provided personal cards and letters with scripture reading and encouraging notes to be opened through the week.
1FOR51 Trip #14 - One22 Ministries Costa Rica January 2019 Trip Report – by Tom Hunt
A team of 5 BBC Goers joined up with 31 others and headed down to Mellizas, Costa Rica in partnership with One22 Ministries from January 3 – 13, 2019. The main goals for this trip: to finish building a church and to facilitate a children’s DayCamp. Mellizas is a remote village in southern Costa Rica. This is a First Nations people group who are impoverished. Their main industry is coffee.
The One22 team of 36 joined with over 65 Costa Rican volunteers from several other churches to participate in building and to host the DayCamp.
On this trip the Build team completed the steel framing and siding of the church, and they poured another huge section of cement. Since this team has returned home the Costa Ricans have finished off the church by adding windows and bleacher seating.
The DayCamp team’s goal was to help this local congregation reach their community’s children and ultimately their families for Jesus Christ. The Camp averaged 158 children each day! The Costa Rican volunteers were a valuable asset. A bible was sent home with each child.
Thank you God - for allowing us to be a part of helping this very impoverished community!
1FOR51 Trip #13 - GLA Haiti Nov 2018 Trip Report – by Tera Butler
Trepidation. Excitement. The team of 11 GOERS was experiencing many emotions in the preparation for the trip to God’s Littlest Angels Orphanage in Haiti November 12 to 19, 2018. With a history of unrest in the country, we didn't know what would await us; we just prayed God would use us.
We were met by our drivers at the airport and were loaded into a cage on the back of a truck for the one-and-a-half-hour trek up the mountain to the compound that houses God's Littlest Angels. The smells, sounds and sights were eye-opening. People lined the streets selling clothes and food. Homes dotted the landscape, all made of the same cinder blocks. Life inside the compound was simple, but it was the Hilton of children's homes in Haiti.
Nancy had prayed that her skills as a nurse would be of use and on day two, her prayers were answered as little baby J was brought to the orphanage from the hospital. Imagine that, with the circumstances of life in Haiti, a newborn preemie's best chance for survival is at God's Littlest Angels and not in the hospital. Michelle was instrumental in organizing the vacation bible school for the school-aged children and the entire team played roles in offering students songs, games, crafts and snacks as they learned about the love of God. Cindy, Kerry, Michelle, Tera, Brigette, Terri, Lyn, Heidi and Judy cherished the opportunity to love and work with the babies each day. The NICU housed 13 babies who lay in small steel cribs. There just aren't enough arms to provide all the love these children need each day and it was encouraging to see them blossom as our team's arms reached out to them. Heidi put her paint skills into action, leading part of the team in a project to freshen up the building that will house the solar control panels for the future guest house. Dave became an unexpected gift to GLA as he brought his special skills and was able to get a lathe up and running that had been sitting unused for years.
God's Littlest Angels is doing God's work in one of the poorest and most unsettled countries in the world. They are fully supported through outside donations. Both of these conditions have led them to be fully dependent on God. Their faith that He will provide and protect is inspiring. We saw miracles in real time. Often, we wonder in life if we are having an impact. Often, we are unsure or it takes years to see results from the seeds that have been planted. At God's Littlest Angels, every day you are gifted with the realization that each of us are the difference. We are inspired by the work they are doing and hope to continue to support them. Thank you for your prayers, donations and love for all of us as we went to serve!
1FOR51 Trip #12 - COM Cuba Nov 2018 Trip Report - from Walter Jakimczuk’s Report
On November 3, 2018 a group of 11 GOERS (10 from Bethel plus one additional person) travelled to the Santa Clara region of Cuba for a one-week mission trip in support of the pastors and churches that COM supports. Their goal - to Encourage, Equip and Evaluate. Due to illness two members of the team had to decline at the last minute - and the team saw God bless with two replacements who were able to step in!
The team brought with them an estimated 1,000 lbs of extra items to deliver to those in need = medicine, medical devices and equipment, Sunday school supplies, audio Messenger players, puppet ministry items, and so many more things that were carefully assessed and prioritized. Two of our team were intimidated and harassed at Customs in Cuba before eventually being allowed to continue with all their supplies!
The team split into two groups for daily trips to surrounding churches and pastor/families that COM supports. The team delivered much needed encouragement, financial support and humanitarian donations. One of the team, Lucy Landry, was able to visit a training centre that she had served at as one of the original GOERS of COM twenty-three years ago!! Another highlight was the team hosting a Pastor Appreciation Day for the pastors and their families, highlighted by a special communion service together.
1FOR51 Trip #11 - GALCOM Peru Sept 2018 Trip Report - by Darryl C
A team of 9 BBC GOERS plus 1 other supporter ventured to Peru in support of GALCOM International from September 12 to 22, 2018 as part of our 1FOR51 PROJECT. The purpose of the trip was to carry and deliver 500 solar-powered fix-tuned Christian radios with audio bibles on them that also include the story of Jesus - all of this in the native Ayacucho Quechua language.
BBC and GALCOM partnered with the Runi Simi organization in Peru whose mission is to reach the Quechua people for Christ. Runa Simi reps had prepared the way by having the pastors of the village churches compile lists of Quechua people who were illiterate and who needed the Word of God in audio format in their language.
After arriving in the capital city of Lima, we then flew to the city of Ayacucho where we were based at the Runa Simi mission. Each day, we would all cram into a small travel van for the treacherous drive to a different remote village - the longest drive was 2.5 hrs. one way! This is a mountainous region with poor roads and steep drop-offs where we saw the breathtaking beauty of God’s creation in new ways!
The team was privileged to personally deliver 435 audio bibles in 5 different Quechua Andes Mountain villages - directly handed to the people who needed them and providing support in how to use them.
Our theme verse = Isaiah 52:7 “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation,...”
1FOR51 Trip #10 - One22 Ministries Cuba Aug 2018 Trip Report – by Tom Hunt
A team of 3 BBC GOERS headed down to Maisi, Cuba in partnership with One22 Ministries from August 24 to 31, 2018. The purpose of the trip was multi faceted – to hold a workshop for the BioSand water filter technicians, to meet with 9 new pastors and invite them onto One22 team of pastors, to take funds and supplies for pastors and a water project, and to encourage the local pastors in their work.
The workshop for the technicians and 4 pastors was held in Sabana. Tucked away in a very remote part of Cuba is a thriving church pastored by Pastor Joe. The 2 day workshop was held in his home with 8 technicians from the 4 water project sites and 4 pastors and the project manager. Tom Hunt, the Executive Administrator of One22 is pleased to say that the workshop was a huge success. His goal was to clearly communicate the passion and heart desire of the why and how of BioSand filters. Mission accomplished.
The team met with 9 missionary pastors. Men who have been leading 9 different churches throughout the Maisi area. These men have obeyed God in answering His call. The area is very poor and these men get paid very little to pastor these churches so they must spend a good amount of their time out in the fields picking vegetables and coffee. One22 has received enough funding from individuals and churches to be able to partner with these missionary pastors and were able to have all 9 of them join their team of pastors and are now receiving a monthly salary. This salary enables them to now just concentrate on being shepherds of their congregations and now they do not have to go out into the fields to pick crops. It was very exciting to have these 9 men join the existing team of 14 pastors to bring the team to 23 full time supported pastors.
The team spent some time visiting several other supported pastors to get to know them and to encourage them in their work. Relationships were built as the team connected very quickly with these pastors. Amongst other items, the team was able to take a wheelchair donated from a lady from Strathroy. The recipient of the wheelchair is an elderly lady who has been in need of the chair for some 3 years now. The team did not actually get to meet this lady but gave the wheel chair to her pastor to give to her. The team was humbled by how God used them during this week of ministry.
1FOR51 Trip #9 - Village of Hope, Tanzania Aug 2018 Trip Report - by Teri Allen
In August of 2018, Jeannie Nicholls and I (Teri Allen) set off to volunteer for one week at the Village of Hope Orphanage/School in Mwanza, Tanzania as part of the 1FOR51 Project! This was the culmination of much prayer, planning and fundraising. Originally, I was going on my own, but God challenged Jeannie to join me on this mission trip, which I am so thankful for!
God got us safely to Tanzania as we each travelled there on our own. He protected us on the roads in Tanzania which was no small feat; we still shudder as we remember the traffic and how they drive. We read daily letters and devotions from our 1FOR51 PRAYer Partners which was a great support. We stayed with a young couple who generously opened their home and took great care of us. This also helped us with the hurdles of language and transportation.
Our goal was to show God’s love to the people in Tanzania because “God so loved the world…” We were each in a classroom at the school and feel very blessed to have been able to help out in very tangible ways. We don’t know for sure how we impacted the people we came in contact with but trust that we did because we know without a doubt we were meant to be there. We both feel very blessed by the experience and how so many opened their hearts to us. We are also seeing how God is using the experience in our lives here at home and that is so amazing!! What a mighty God we serve.
1FOR51 Trip #8 - Rainbow of Hope South Africa Aug 2018 Trip Report - by Antje Giles
In 2008, my husband Jeff, our daughter April and I served at the Rainbow of Hope Orphanage in Capetown, South Africa. We assisted the house mother Alison in a myriad of ways with the then house full of orphan babies.
Three years ago, Amy, another daughter of ours, began to sense a desire to go back to serve at this orphanage where her older sister had been. The 1FOR51 Project has helped us meet that goal!
Amy and I returned to Rainbow House in August 2018 to again assist House Mother, Alison, with her 12 orphans, now ages 8 to 19.
The house runs well, with all the children having jobs and responsibilities. At times, we were wondering if our help was even needed, but it was. We saw how beneficial our help could be from the relationships we formed. Amy made many new relationships as the children flocked to her. They could sense her warm and kind spirit. This relationship grew as she had a chance to encourage and uplift Alison as she struggled with all the responsibilities of the house. In our time at Rainbow House, we had the opportunity to hear the children's heart-breaking stories of how they came to the orphanage and we got to see how God had provided for them since that time. In this, we witnessed how we can trust in God’s plan, authority, and unconditional love.
We will be praying to see if God would use us for the future needs of Rainbow House!
1FOR51 Trip #7 - AEBEQ Quebec July 2018 Trip Report - by Tera Butler
When you think you know what to expect, God will gladly show you otherwise! This was the experience of nine members of Bethel Baptist Strathroy, as we travelled to Saint-Cesaire, Quebec at the beginning of July. We were all excited to take part in a program called J'aime Mon Voisin, or in English, I Love My Neighbour. This program has been running for several years in Quebec in different towns as a method of outreach into the community to share the love and word of God.
This year's program took place in Saint-Cesaire, which was a first for this community. The Source de Vie church is a Baptist church plant in Saint-Cesaire and is currently attended by approximately five families. The church plant is small, but mighty. We were so inspired by the love and sense of community demonstrated by these families. They took us in as family, and side by side, we served others each day over our week-long stay. We had the opportunity to work with the pastors and their families, cleaning homes for those in need, washing windows, gardening and setting up the food bank that they run out of the church basement each Saturday. The food bank serves up to 30 families a week and it offers fresh food!
The J'aime Mon Voisin program offered us the opportunity to enter the homes and lives of the community members and be the hands and feet of God, demonstrating love through sacrificial service. We had the privilege to witness how God was moving the members of the community. Tim, Maureen and Jesse were able to publicly share their testimonies which was very moving for everyone. Marla and Tera joyfully served alongside their daughters, Jillian and Brigette. Jim and Jane devoted their week to service and multiplying disciples, while celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! What an example for all of us! While the church plant in Saint-Cesaire is small, the impact it is having is huge. The core families involved are dedicated to serving their community and changing lives through service and sharing the gospel of Jesus. I think it's safe to say, we would have been happy to stay on longer! Our hearts are full of gratitude, inspiration and love. Thank you to our Givers and Prayers for helping to make this a possibility. We are inspired to take what we have witnessed and apply it to our lives and community here in Strathroy.
1FOR51 Trip #6 - ETHNOS Bolivia May 2018 Trip Report - report from Darryl Charlton
Message from Silvana and Jenny to Strathroy BBC - We are so thankful that you Gave, Prayed and Went. The house was like a dream to us; we have seen God provide finances and the hands to build this; it went up so fast because of the team you sent. We stand in awe of the Lord, and we are so very, very thankful!
5 BBC GOERS joined a team of 11 others (Canada, US and Bolivia) for a 10-day trip to build a home for two single missionary women (Silvana and Jenny - both 36) who are ministering to the Ese Ejja tribal children in the village of Portachuelo in northern Bolivia. BBC GOERS = Ron and Kevin Eastman; Doug Linker; Franklin DePhillipeaux; Darryl Charlton.
Jenny (from Chile) and Silvana (from Argentina) felt the call of God in their lives for missions in their thirties. They met at the ETHNOS training centre school in 2013 in Bolivia. They graduated and were independently called to minister to the Ese Ejja tribe in the Amazon jungle where over 50% of the 550 people are under the age of 12. They were both sent out by their local church’s. They are supporting the ministry of Mike and Cher Riepma, who have been living as ETHNOS missionaries with this tribe since 1982!
Jenny and Silvana started their ministry to the Ese Ejja in 2015. They had been renting a small house which is not located with the Ese Ejja. This presented a barrier to them learning the language and ministering effectively to the children and people. At the same time BBC was praying about 1FOR51 mission trip opportunities, Jenny, Silvana and the ETHNOS leadership were praying for a short-term group to come and build their simple home in a new location. Their concerns were cost and timeliness - they did not want the house build to detract from Jenny and Silvana’s goal of learning the Ese Ejja language.
God provided in so many ways: the house was built in 6 days (in no small part due to the construction skills of Kevin Eastman and Doug Linker); the weather did not impede the build; the bags of tools we brought were all allowed through customs; despite 9 different flights no one lost luggage; and no one was sick or injured!
1FOR51 Trip #5 - COM Cuba March 2018 Trip Report - report from Belinda Jakimczuk
Cuba Outreach Ministries (COM) took a group of 9 people (5 BBC GOERS) to Cuba for this one-week short-term mission trip. The goal of the trip was to bring support and encouragement to the 18 Cuban pastors/families that we support there. Belinda Jakimczuk, co-leader of the trip with her husband Walt, submitted this trip report:
When preparing for this trip, we were asked by one of the new GOERS, "What do you tell customs about all the stuff you are bringing in?" We didn't have an answer for this question because we have never been asked about any of the items we have brought in over the past thirteen years. We do not get it through - God does. And once again, everything got through without one question. We go totally reliant on God!
We split ourselves into two groups, and each day we went out to visit at least two Pastor families each, delivering their personal supplies, as well as the supplies for their church programs. We heard about what was happening with their ministries and their families and we always shared in prayer before we left.
While driving to our destinations, we enjoyed doing random acts of kindness with the Oxen Farmer Ministry that my mother started in 2011. She sends a gift and a note telling them they are not alone and that God (and her) love them very much. We give the farmer a hug, a Bible and a device called The Messenger that plays sermons and the New Testament in Spanish. Our driver talks to them and shares God with them. To date, 48 oxen farmers have been blessed by this ministry, and so have we!
We hosted a Pastor Appreciation day - where all the Pastors and their wives come together so they can share with each other, be encouraged and we have time to share with them. We were extremely blessed to have Pastor Rodger and Linda present on this trip to share with the Pastors and ladies respectively. God used Rodger and Linda with all their ministry experience to bless the lives of these pastors and families immensely!
1FOR51 Trip #4 - FEB Lebanon/Egypt March 2018 Trip - report from Pastor Allan
The 10 day trip to Lebanon and Egypt, with Pastor Allan and 3 other Canadian pastors from our denomination, returned on March 17th.
It was a faith stretching and faith invigorating trip for sure! For 7 days, the team partnered with a local Lebanese church (Trinity Baptist) to learn from, support and encourage them in their ministry. From this relatively small church (about 120 people), God is doing truly incredible things! One day, we joined their Bread for Life outreach, which provides food to 50 Syrian Refugee families who have fled their homes because of war and have less than nothing. Another day we got to help at the Clementia Learning Centre, a school Trinity runs for 75 refugee children. We taught at a local pastors conference spear headed by the Trinity Leadership, preached at several Baptist churches around Beirut and visited an underground church of new believers who are from Muslim backgrounds. One night we visited a Muslim neighbour from the village accepted Christ as His Lord and Saviour. It was incredible. Praise God!
For the last 3 days we travelled to Egypt as part of the exploration Trinity is doing in their vision to plant churches and reach across the Middle East with the gospel. There is ministry going on in prisons, amongst a massive slum in Cairo and in the planting of new churches. There are so many stories to share that I (Allan) can’t wait to share with our church family in the coming weeks and months. Thank you for praying and partnering to make disciples of all nations!
1FOR51 Trip #3 - One22 Cuba February 2018 Trip - report from Tom Hunt
· 10 days
· 5 BBC GOERS out of a team of 7 (Tom going on second trip)
· visited 3 bio sand filter water construction sites
· encouraged and visited with our project manager and 7 filter construction workers
· visited 6 of our supported pastors
· met with 2 missionary pastors of whom we brought into our team of supported staff
· visited the site where the new house build is going to take place
· visited the house that is being built and supported
· visited 6 churches
· traveled for some 35 hours in the back of a 1954 Land Rover truck - very bouncy to say the least
· took tools for water project, 2 sewing machines, lots of toys, blankets, clothes, funding for the house build, funding for our water project and salary for our staff
1FOR51 Trip #2 - One22 Costa Rica January 2018 Trip - report from Tom Hunt
· 10 days
· 9 BBC GOERS out of a team of 29
· built a 20 x 50 bunk house for church ministry
· built a church - steel beams, roof purlins, steel roof put up; church floor 34x60 cement poured
· teamed up with 20 people from Rancho Quemado to put on a day camp for 200 children
· one child gave her heart to the Lord
· many Day camp supplies taken
· many tools taken
1FOR51 Trip #1 - COM Cuba October 2017 Trip - report
7 days
delivered humanitarian items such as personal toiletries, Christian education materials, medical supplies to churches and pastors
visited and encouraged pastors, wives and their children (COM supports 18 Cuban Pastors)
organized a Pastor’s Day to meet with and encourage the pastors and their wives