Worship for many people, is synonymous with music, but there’s so much more that goes into creating an environment where people feel free to worship God with everything they are. In our gatherings, we strive to create spaces where people can connect with God, grow together in community and be challenged toward taking next steps in their relationship with Christ. We have volunteer teams who faithfully serve, using their gifts in worship and creative arts each week, to help make this happen. Please take a moment and read below if you are interested in more information about the teams within the worship & creative arts ministry or if you’d like to get connected with us. Here is a bit more info on the areas to serve within the Bethel Worship & Creative Arts Ministry.
Music Team
The Music Team serves to lead our congregation in times of authentic and dynamic worship through music and the arts. The music team consists of instrumentalists and vocalists of various ages, skill levels and styles who serve as a part of the worship ministry for our services. This team is all about serving together in community and in excellence to point people to Christ. There are various positions to serve on for this team. *Audition required for this team
Production Team
The Production Team is a vital part of Sunday mornings and also supports many other ministries throughout the church. The production team includes opportunities to assist with sound, recording, graphics, projection, lighting, video elements, producing and many other aspects of production and tech. All of these areas are used to create environments for people to connect with God at our weekly gatherings and events. If this sounds exciting and if you're willing to learn and continually develop your technical skill, please consider serving alongside us in this area.
Interested in serving?
Fill out this form and a member of our team will connect with you!