Thursday, january 30 , 2025


Charitable Status Letter

On Dec 13, 2024 the Canadian Government attempted the first step toward removing the charitable status of all charities whose purpose is to “advance religion.” In recent years many have been drawn into the polarizing “culture wars” of our day, indiscriminately conveying mean-spirited and divisive messages back and forth at each other. As a church leadership we are deeply grieved by this and have intentionally sought to avoid entering into these sort of interactions. We are called to pray for our nation’s leaders as we live peaceful, quiet and dignified lives for Christ (1 Timothy 2:1-2). We are not, will not, and cannot advocate for a particular political party, however we can stand up for our church community when our government attempts to enact policies that are explicitly detrimental to our church. We feel compelled to share this open letter because we believe this is such a time. We are calling upon our government officials to change their course and we want you, our congregation, to be alerted to what is happening. We humbly submit the following communication with what we pray is grace, love, gentleness and truth:


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Membership Meeting Updates

On Sunday, October 22 we held our annual Fall Membership Meeting with our Bethel Family in Strathroy and Southwest. It was filled with many exciting updates for our church family, including:

  • The 22/23 ministry recap  

  • A look ahead to the 23/24 ministry year

  • Details on our upcoming church plant opportunity

  • Staff Updates

  • Church Farm Sale Process Details  

  • Budget details and a vote for approval of the 23/24 ministry budget

Here’s a Special Recap From Pastor Allan, providing key highlights from Sunday’s meeting. If you weren’t able to make it out or would like the summary of the areas discussed, please take a moment to check out this video.  

We are excited for all God is doing throughout the ministry of Bethel. As we continue throughout this ministry year, please be in prayer for our church as we seek to fulfill our mission of glorifying God by making disciples, who make disciples. If you have any questions or would like to connect on any of the updates from the membership meeting, please let us know. You can email us at

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Membership Meeting Updates

On Sunday, June 4, we had a wonderful time of fellowship, connection and ministry updates at our Membership Meeting. We are thrilled to announce that the vote for selling a portion of the church farm property was passed unanimously.

Our membership also voted on incoming Elder candidates and all three were approved with an overwhelming majority. Ben Carter is joining for the first time, Ron Eastman is coming back on the team and Phil Moddle is entering a second term. 

Appreciation was expressed to Laurie Goble for her years of service in the Finance department. 

Thank you to all who attended, participated and served! 


Friday, April 28, 2023

Elder Team Update: Church Farm Property

We are excited to share about a significant announcement in the life of our church community. Check out this message from Pastor Allan to learn more.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

MEMBERSHIP MEETING - on Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 7:30pm all who call Bethel home are encouraged and welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to hear about some of the exciting things God is doing around our church and also to look ahead to what is coming up for us in this season. During this time, we will share ministry updates, hear updates about the development of the Southwest church plant, and look at next year’s ministry plans.

The meeting will be happening online, on ZOOM, so you'll need to register to get the secure link for the call.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Our February membership meeting was a great time of connection for our community. This meeting was filled with many exciting announcements including:

A special update from Pastor Allan and our Elder Team chairman, Dave Switzer sharing about vision that God has placed on our hearts.

Also, after the members vote on Sunday, Larry Vanderbent has been selected as the newest member of our elder team!

MEMBERSHIP MEETING - on Sunday, February 20 at 7:30pm. All who call Bethel home are encouraged and welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to hear about some of the exciting things God is doing around our church and also to look ahead to what coming up for us in this season.

During this meeting, we will be addressing the following items: Incoming Elder Candidate vote (Larry VanderBent); Welcome New Members; Ministry & Financial Updates

The meeting will be happening online, on ZOOM, so you'll need to register to get the secure link for the call.


Watch Larry’s story to hear about his journey toward becoming an Elder here at Bethel.

November 5, 2021

Please take a moment to watch this latest update from Pastor Allan and Nathan on our upcoming services at Bethel and what to expect at Bethel Kids starting on November 14.

October 22, 2021

Bethel Family, please take a moment to watch this video with special updates on our upcoming membership meeting, Bethel Kids and our Sunday services.
In Christ,
Allan Self, On behalf of Bethel’s Elders and Staff

October 14, 2021

Bethel Family, please take a moment to watch this video with special updates on Bethel Kids and our Sunday services.
In Christ,
Allan Self, On behalf of Bethel’s Elders and Staff

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MEMBERSHIP MEETING - on Sunday, October 24 at 7:30pm All who call Bethel home are encouraged and welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to hear about some of the exciting things God is doing around our church and also to look ahead to what coming up for us in this season. During this time, we will also vote to approve this year's ministry budget.

The meeting will be happening online, on ZOOM, so you'll need to register to get the secure link for the call.

June 2, 2021

Bethel Family, please watch this video with the latest information about the plans for re-opening.
In Christ,
Allan Self, On behalf of Bethel’s Elders and Staff

Membership Meeting May.jpg

Bethel Family,

Please mark the date for our online Membership Meeting on Sunday, May 30 at 7:30pm via Zoom.

During this meeting, we will be addressing the following items: Incoming Elder Candidate vote (Murray Anderson); Welcome New Members; YTD Financial Update and Ministry Reports

All who call Bethel home are encouraged and welcome to attend, but only members will be able to cast a vote for our Elder candidate. Below are brief statements from Murray, sharing his testimony that we would ask you to review.

In order to attend this meeting, you must pre-register to receive the secure Zoom link.

  MURRAY ANDERSON - has been selected by the Elder Team to serve a 3-year term which begins in June and requires confirmation by vote of the membership on May 30, 2021.
(three-year term 2021 - 2024)        

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 I am Murray Anderson, for any who do not know me. I would like to ask your prayerful consideration for me to rejoin the Elder Team at Bethel for a three-year term.

My wife Maureen and I came to Strathroy in 1995. At that time, we began to explore the church options in town after moving from Mount Brydges with our two young children. Our primary concern was to find a church with a vibrant Sunday School program where our children could learn about our Saviour Jesus Christ. We found that very thing and more at Bethel Baptist. We quickly found opportunities to serve in the children’s ministry, where we served for over 10 years. It has been through opportunities of service that I have experienced the greatest amount of spiritual growth in my life. I am very thankful to the Lord for the friendships, mentoring, mission trips and biblical instruction that I and my whole family have had over the years.

 My greatest spiritual growth has come from serving the Lord on the Elder Team. It has been a front row seat to see the hand of the Lord at work in so many incredible ways. I am humbled by the very privilege of serving at this level. Philippians 4:13 reminds me, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” It is only with this in mind, and the desire to seek the Lord for his leading and guiding, that I ask for your prayers and support to serve on the Elder Team.

Thank you, and God Bless!

April 8, 2021

Bethel Family,

On April 8th the province of Ontario moved into a further stage of lockdown due to the COVID19 Pandemic. We continue to pray for our community, our province and our leaders during this incredibly difficult time.

Within the current Stay At Home Order we are extremely encouraged and grateful that the province has recognised the importance of worship by deeming Worship Gatherings part of the list of essential activities. In keeping with all of the high safety protocols we have already been keeping as a church, and abiding by the required 15% capacity limit, we will be continuing with our in-person Worship Services this Sunday in Strathroy. The Sunday Service in the Auditorium will be at 10am and the Family Experience Services will be at 9 & 11am. Our services at BethelSW will be suspended due to the capacity limits and our rental facility.

Registration is required for all who plan to attend. If you are unable to join us in person at this time, please continue to unite together with us online and/or through RogersTV as we worship God.

In Christ,

Allan Self

On behalf of Bethel’s Elders and Staff

April 1, 2021

Bethel Family,

Today, Premier Doug Ford announced the province of Ontario will be commencing a Lockdown effective April 3. Among the many implications of this, the safety guidelines for Worship Services are being reduced to a capacity of 15% of the room. As a leadership here at Bethel, we deeply value the opportunity to unite together in worship, hear from God’s Word and connect in community. We are also committed to showing the love of Christ by helping to protect one another and our community. Furthermore, we continue to pray for the leaders whom God has placed over us as they guide our province and nation.

With all of this in mind, through careful reflection and prayer, we have made the decision to continue forward with our in-person worship services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Good Friday services will proceed as planned. On Easter Sunday, we are still offering 3 services at 8:30, 10 & 11:30am, but we will adjust our numbers in the auditorium to the new 15% guideline. Additionally, we have setup the Large Fellowship Hall to act as an overflow room with a video projection of the service, to allow us to unite for worship and maintain the safety requirements.

Throughout the entire pandemic, we have maintained an exceptionally high standard of safety protocols and we will continue to do so this weekend and into the future. Seating will be given on a first come, first serve basis, and once the auditorium is full people will be seated in the overflow. Doors will open 30 minutes prior to each service, so please arrive early.

If you would still like to register, the overflow space has opened up additional spots at all services and you can register at If you are not able or comfortable with attending in-person, please join us online or through RogersTV. Finally, if you have already registered, but no longer plan to attend, please click on the link in your registration email to cancel your registration so that we can have an accurate account of who will be joining us.

Thank you for your prayers and grace. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

In Christ,
Allan Self
On behalf of Bethel’s Elders and Staff

February 12, 2021

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MEMBERSHIP MEETING - on Sunday, February 28th at 7:30pm All who call Bethel home are encouraged and welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to hear about some of the exciting things God is doing around our church and also to look ahead to what coming up for us in 2021. During this time, we will also vote to approve this year's ministry budget.

The meeting will be happening online, on ZOOM, so you'll need to register to get the secure link for the call.

January 29, 2021

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On Sunday, February 7, we’ll be partnering with our denomination and taking part in a regional day of prayer. Churches all over our region will be uniting in prayer for our community, our government officials and our nation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a call to our church community to take some time out of your day to join in prayer together. Each prayer time will be 30 minutes. We have a few scheduled times to join in prayer throughout the day that will be lead by our leaders. If you’d like to be a part of the Day of Prayer, on Sunday, February 7, you can click below for your desired time and you will be logged in for the zoom call.

December 21, 2020

Bethel Family,

Today, the government officially announced the upcoming lockdown for the entire province of Ontario. Please take a moment to watch this important update from Pastor Allan about the implications of this, and steps we will be taking at Bethel.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers, partnership and patience during this time! You continue to be in our prayers!

In Christ,

Your Elders and Staff

November 27, 2020

December is right around the corner and we are gearing up for the Christmas season. Click here to see an update from Pastor Allan with what you can expect this Christmas at Bethel!

December is right around the corner and we are gearing up for the Christmas season. Click here to see an update from Pastor Allan with what you can expect this Christmas at Bethel!

Oct 30, 2020

Elder Team Statement - Our Elder Team has been praying and preparing for this fall sermon series on Spiritual Gifts for several months and we are so encouraged by all that God is already doing! We are united in our belief that God’s Word, applied to our hearts in this area of spiritual gifts can and will impact us as individuals and as a body to accelerate us towards our mission as a church. Click below to read this important statement by your Elder Team.

Oct 23, 2020

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MEMBERSHIP MEETING - on November 5th at 7:30pm we will be having our Fall Membership Meeting. This is a great opportunity to hear about some of the exciting things God is doing around our church, as well as a financial update and an update from our Elder Team. If you call Bethel home, whether as an attendee or member, you are invited to join us.

The meeting will be happening online, on ZOOM, so you must register to get the secure link for the call.

August 28, 2020

Bethel Family,

Stay tuned as we continue to update this page with any information that you need to know.

At a high level, here are the key things to know:

  • September 27 @10am will be our first in-person Sunday Service in Strathroy at our 264 Princess Street location.

  • October 4 @ 10am we will launch our in-person Family Experience alongside our Sunday Service.

  • October 25 @ 10:30am we will launch in-person Sunday Service in the Glencoe Area (location TBD).

  • Church Online will remain throughout, in both On Demand and Sundays @ 10:30 formats.

Although these services will look quite different, we are excited for what God has in store in this next season as a church. Since we are sure you have more questions, we’ve put together two helpful documents that give loads more info and a detailed FAQ.

We will be sharing much more in the weeks ahead as we prayerfully move forward. May God be glorified as we keep striving to make disciples who make disciples in love, humility and unity!

In Christ,

Your Elders and Staff

August 21, 2020

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Bethel Family,

Over the last several months our Elder Team and Staff have been taking a significant amount of time to pray and consider what God would have for us, with regards to in person ministry and reopening. On September 2nd, at 7:30pm we want to invite all who call Bethel home to join us for a Family Meeting on Zoom. During this time we will share what our plan for the fall will be.

You do need to sign up in advance to get the secure link for the video call.

In Christ,

Your Elders and Staff

JUly 15, 2020

Here is an exciting update from Pastor Allan and the Elders about a new project starting at the church. 

Please take a few minutes to learn about the auditorium update project here at Bethel. In preparation for reopening we are making updates to our auditorium space and we are excited to share the details with you. Watch the above video for more info on the auditorium project. 

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and partnership during this time!

In Christ,

Your Elders and Staff

JUNE 19, 2020

Bethel Family,

On June 18, we had a Family Meeting to share that we plan to continue our current approach with Church Online services through the summer and will revisit what reopening could look like in September. To find out more about what led to this decision please take a few minutes to watch the short recap video.

In Christ,

Your Elders and Staff

June 10, 2020

Bethel Family,

On June 8, the government announced the beginning of Ontario's Phase 2 reopening amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The second phase expands the size of social gatherings from 5 to 10 people. Additionally, the government has allowed places of worship to open if they limit attendance to 30 percent of building capacity and practice social distancing.

Our Elders and Staff are prayerfully and carefully considering our options about how and when we should begin to hold in-person services again. There are a number of factors to be considered, including: what will help us to best accomplish our mission to glorify God by making disciples who make disciples; the health and safety of our attenders, volunteers and staff; the resources required to open with social distancing guidelines in place; and the relative desire of our people to reengage in-person at this particular time.

For this Sunday, June 14, we will continue with our Church Online Services at

Next Thursday, June 18th at 7:30pm, we will host a Family Meeting on Zoom. At this meeting we will communicate our plan for reopening and this next season of ministry at Bethel. You will need to register for this to get the secure link.

Finally, to assist us in this big decision we would like to ask for your feedback and input. Would you take a few minutes to complete a survey? The information gathered from this survey will help us immensely and give us invaluable information as we plan for the future. 

Thank you for your ongoing prayers, partnership and patience during this time!

In Christ,

Your Elders and Staff

June 4, 2020

Bethel Family,

Please take a few minutes to watch the latest update from Pastor Allan on behalf of our Elder Team. As we look into this next season, with the prospect of restrictions beginning to lift, we are striving to seek the Lord for direction and keep you, our church family, informed.

Allan mentions an article our leaders have found very helpful as we consider reopening as a church. We would strongly encourage you to read through this as well:

Finally, in the next few weeks we are planning to have another church wide Zoom call, as a sort of town hall, to share more about our plans and next steps for reopening. Stay tuned for the date and more details.

You are loved! We are praying for you! And thank you for your ongoing encouragement, prayers and partnership during this season!

In Christ,

Your Elders and Staff

May 1, 2020

Bethel Family,

We are working hard during this time to keep you informed and connected with the happenings at Bethel. To this end, we have decided to host an online Membership Meeting on May 13 at 7:30pm via Zoom.

During this meeting we will be address three key agenda items:

  1. Ministry Update - highlighting how God has been working during this period and the next steps we are looking ahead to

  2. Financial Update - a summary of our recent financials

  3. Elder Candidate Vote - Dave Switzer and Phil Moddle have been selected by the Elder Team to each serve a 3 year term beginning in June, which requires confirmation by vote of the membership.

All who call Bethel home are encouraged and welcome to attend, but only members will be able to cast a vote for our Elder candidates. Below are brief statements from Dave and Phil, sharing their testimonies that we would ask you to review.

In order to attend this meeting, you must pre-register to receive the secure link for the video call.

Please ensure that you have downloaded Zoom prior to the call. If you have any questions about registering or getting setup on Zoom, please email or leave a message on the church voicemail (519.245.2320) and we will be sure to connect with you.


Dave Switzer

(three-year term 2020 - 2023)

I had the privilege of being raised in a Christian home and as a result came to place my trust in Christ at an early age. I was baptized when I was 13. As a teen, I struggled at times as I couldn’t quite grasp that God had indeed saved me. In July 1974, I finally came to accept/appreciate His love, and re-dedicated my life to Him. I became active in the youth group and Youth for Christ where I met a stunningly beautiful and vivacious girl; Nancy – who subsequently became my wife!  We began to serve together in youth groups, later young adults and soon I served my first term as a deacon. My passion for the church has continued to grow and I have been blessed to have had many opportunities to serve in a variety of roles. In 2006 God called me out of the business world and subsequently presented me with a second career in full-time ministry at Heritage College & Seminary. Throughout that transition, I have seen Eph. 3:20 come alive – and God has truly fulfilled that promise in un-imaginable ways.  My desire is to be where God wants me to be – and to serve Him in whatever capacity He calls me to. I love this church - and what God is doing here, and I am excited to see, and to go, into the future that God has for Bethel.  I would count it a privilege to serve as Elder at BBC.


Phil Moddle

(three-year term 2020 - 2023)

Brought up as a minister's son, I understood what it meant to try to live a good life as a youth and young man.  Knowing and doing were separate things for me, and I cultivated some sinful habits.  Despite growing up attending church, I did not really understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross for me personally. 

When I finally learned that Jesus' sacrifice was meant for me personally, and how He continues to help me work out my salvation, I put my faith in Jesus and was baptized in 1990.  Since then, I have continued to learn the depth of my own sin, and the patience, grace and mercy of our Lord.  He has given me many earthly blessings, the greatest of which is my wife Kathy and our four children, as well as a job and the opportunity to meet many people.  He continues to give me health and strength, and my goal is to love God with all my mind, heart, soul and strength.  I aspire to continually advance the gospel, and I take joy in knowing that Jesus is faithful in His promises.

April 23, 2020

Bethel Family,

It’s hard to believe, but this communication marks our 6th week of social distancing restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This has been a challenging time for all of us. We miss seeing and being present with each of you so much, but we also see God pouring out abundant grace during this time—for which we are so thankful! 

We praise God for new doors of ministry that have opened as we continue to strive to glorify God by making disciples who make disciples. We also want to say thanks to each of you for your patience, grace, and encouragement. You’re embracing church services online, you have launched into virtual small groups, and you are finding all kinds of amazing and unique ways to reach out with the love of Jesus while staying safe in your homes. Praise God! All of this has not been without its bumps and challenges, but thank you for walking in unity together with us!

I believe we all feel we are entering into a new normal. None of us knows exactly what the future will hold with social distancing, but even when restrictions do begin to lift, there will surely be a lengthy adjustment period ahead. In some ways, there are still more questions than answers, but it’s with this in mind that we want to provide you with an update on some bigger organizational pieces for the church:

1)  MEMBERSHIP MEETING: We typically have a Membership Meeting in the Spring (late April). Obviously we are not able to do this as normal, but staying connected and keeping you, our church family, informed is very important to us. We are exploring alternate meeting options right now, and will be in touch with further details as this takes shape.

2)  FINANCES: We have been very encouraged to see so many continue to give by faith, as an act of worship to God! Praise the Lord and thank you! So far, our offerings have been going very well given these circumstances. Thank you to those who have begun utilizing e-transfer giving and/or automatic withdrawals, this is a big help on the administrative side for us.

If you would like to find out how to sign up for these go to:

We want you to know that we took immediate steps at the start of the crisis to eliminate all non-essential costs. Thankfully, we have been able to retain all of our staff at this time and they are doing a great job working remotely from home. Our facilities remain closed, we’re keeping utilities at a minimum, and being very careful with all expenses. We are also exploring which, if any, government supports we may be eligible for. Going forward, regular and consistent giving remains vital to allow us to keep ministering, as well as supporting our staff and missionaries. We will continue to monitor our financial situation very carefully, and with much prayer. 

3)  CAMP: Due to the current safety restrictions and the uncertainty of when these will be lifted, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Castaway and Splat camps for 2020. We are deeply saddened by this, as camps have always been an exciting and life changing experience for hundreds of local children! However, we trust that in this time the Lord has a different and better plan in mind. If you had children who have already registered for camps, we will be in touch shortly with details about the refund of your camp fees.

4)  CARE: We have created a new section on our website to keep you informed about how you can both give and receive care during this time. We are in this together! Check out this page regularly. We have several great supports to help if you’re going through a hard time. As well, we are regularly updating serve opportunities for you to participate in to show and share Jesus’ love.


5) STAFF & ELDERS: We are so grateful for the amazing job our leaders are doing to guide us through this time! Each person has been going above and beyond in their sacrificial service to the Lord and for our church family. The Elders and Staff have started meeting virtually each Sunday morning for a video prayer call. We are praying for each of you and for the Word going out through our online services. Additionally, the Elder team is meeting more frequently (approx. bi-weekly) to stay apprised of all happenings and to help shepherd us ahead. One special note: Nathan and Stacie Polmateer are set to have a baby any day now, please been in prayer for them.

Thank you again  for your support, encouragement, and prayers. This is a unique season in our world and in the life of our church. But we are confidently praying that God will bring our church through the other side of this challenge stronger and more committed than ever to being a church of multiplying disciples who are transforming our community and reaching out into our world – for His glory!

In Christ,

Allan Self

On behalf of Bethel’s Elders and Staff

Hi Bethel Family,

We pray you are doing well, staying safe and encouraged in the Lord. Please check out this most recent video update from Pastor Allan on behalf of our Elders and Staff.

EASTER WEEKEND - celebrate Good Friday and Easter with us this weekend online at  Services will be available at 10:30am each day. NOTE: On Good Friday we will be uniting together for communion from our homes. You will want to be prepared with juice and bread/crackers. If you do not have access to these items, please email by Thursday at noon and we will do our best to make a special delivery to your home.

CARE - we have several opportunities to both receive and give care during this time. For more info on any of these email:  

  • Support Network - if you are struggling right now and need a safe, supportive, Godly person to talk with, we have a team here to help

  • Sewing Team - use your gifts as a seamstress to help make masks for folks in our community

  • Middlesex Community Living - connect as a “virtual friend” with one of our friends at MCL

GIVING - thank you so much for your regular, sacrificial giving during this time! God is using your generosity to impact lives here in our community and around the world.

In Christ,

Allan Self

On behalf of Bethel’s Elders & Staff

March 24, 2020

Dear Bethel Family,

This season in the life of our church is unlike any other we have experienced. But this crazy time has not changed our mission - we exist to glorify God by making disciples who make disciples. Your Staff and Elders are praying hard and we are already encouraged by some of the amazing things God is doing! 

CHURCH ONLINE: This past Sunday, we launched our first ever Church Online service here at Bethel. We had more than twice as many people visit our site on Sunday as we normally have in-person at our regular services. WOW! Thank you to all who joined us. I pray this was a rich and meaningful time of worship, connection and encouragement! Spread the word and invite your friends or family to join us again this Sunday.

TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES: We have heard that some people had problems trying to view the service video on Sunday morning. If this was you, we are VERY sorry. We had the amazing problem of too many people trying to access the video at the same time and our video system crashed. These issues have now been resolved, for last Sunday and into the future. You can go to now to see last week’s service if you were unable to earlier.

MOVING FORWARD: All in-person ministries will be postponed indefinitely. We are working very hard to seize the opportunity that this time provides to connect and make disciples in new and creative ways, like our Church Online services, online Small Groups (coming soon!), care networks through phone calls and many other things. We will continue to monitor the advice of our local government and health experts for the future, but in the meantime, stay safe and don’t stop stepping out as a disciple for Christ. 

OFFICES CLOSED: Church offices, effective March 25th, will be closed and our staff will be working from home to stay safe. We can be reached by email at or leave a voicemail at 519.245.2320.

GIVING ENVELOPES: Place your giving envelopes or Automatic Withdrawal forms in the dropbox slot in the office door, NOT the regular mailbox.  

You are in our prayers during this time! If there is anything we can do to be a help for you please let us know at

If you do not wish to receive emails from Bethel Baptist Church, please reply to this email with request to remove.

In Christ,

Allan Self

On behalf of Bethel’s Elders & Staff

March 19, 2020

Check out the important update from Pastor Allan outlining several key things to be aware of:

  1. CHURCH ONLINE - Starting Sunday March 22nd, we will be launching two online opportunities to worship and learn from the Word. Our ONLINE SERVICE will follow a similar format to our usual Sunday gatherings—musical worship, updates and a message from God’s Word. Our FAMILY EXPERIENCE is geared toward families with children in JK-Grade 5, providing a fun and age-appropriate worship and Bible teaching time. To find out more CLICK HERE.

  2. GIVING - Our doors may be closed, but the opportunity to do ministry is still incredible (perhaps even more than normal). Your generous and regular giving enables our church to continue to impact our community and further God’s work around the world through our partner missionaries. CLICK HERE to find out about how you can give during this time.

  3. PRAYER & CARE - We are working hard to be on the lookout for needs and opportunities to share and show the love of Christ. If you have anything that needs prayer CLICK HERE. If you, or anyone you know, is in need of practical care please email and we will do our best to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

You are loved and we are praying for you! See you Sunday!

March 13, 2020

Bethel Family!

At Bethel, we have been carefully and prayerfully following the rapidly developing situation with COVID-19. Today, Friday March 13, Dr. David Williams (Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer) issued a statement advising all gatherings over 250 people to be suspended.

Based on this input, we have decided to suspend all ministry events beginning on Sunday, March 15, until April 4. We are working to put together a potential alternate type of online service in the coming weeks to allow us to connect as a church, even if it looks a little different. As this takes shape, we will send out details.

Attached is a short video with a few thoughts to consider from God’s Word as we navigate this situation together. I pray that it will be a source of encouragement and help to you. Know you are loved and we are praying for you. We will be in touch with you with further details.

 For more information on how to protect yourself and family during this time, please visit the Government of Canada's COVID-19 website.

In Christ,

Allan Self

On behalf of Bethel’s Elders and Staff