Giving at Bethel

Thank you so much for your interest in investing here at Bethel! The mission and ministries of Bethel Baptist Church are fully supported by its faithful and generous donors who desire to be an integral part of God’s work in His church, our community and the world.


“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor 9:7 NIV)



Offering boxes are located at the back of the auditorium near each of the doors.


You can automate your giving by signing up for automatic fund transfers (AFT) from your bank account. AFT’s can be arranged bi-weekly or monthly. Please contact the Finance Team at to express your interest in giving this way and we will help you get it all set up!


Using your personal banking, you can make a donation by sending an e-transfer to


Offering boxes available at the rear of the auditorium on Sundays - or you can drop these off at the church office in the secure mail slot in the office door at any time.


You can make a donation online at anytime, simply click the the button below.


More and more donors have investment portfolios from which they may desire to donate in-kind gifts of securities. This can be an attractive option for the donor because of the special enhanced tax benefit of such a donation - i.e. no capital gains tax.

As a longtime member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities (CCCC), our church has access to the CCCC Community Trust Fund (CTF). This fund has been in operation for over 30 years, and it provides charities with the ability to receive gifts of securities from donors, even though we do not have a brokerage account. For a modest facilitation fee, CTF receives the securities; issues the official receipt for tax purposes to the donor; liquidates the securities; and will send our church the cash proceeds. Part of the process will be to identify our church to the CTF via our Business Number, which is 106788490RR0001. CTF can also assist wth Estate Planning.

Donors who want to explore this giving option can visit the CCCC CTF Donor section at

Bethel Baptist Church is an unincorporated, registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency.  In compliance with federal regulations, an annual Charity Information Return is submitted to the Charities Directorate.

Bethel Baptist Church is an Affiliate Member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC)

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 519-245-2320 or email